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NIOSH Publication No. 2001-111:

Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers

February 2001

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Weeding Stand for Plant Nurseries:

Problem: One Solution:
When plants are kept on the ground, workers
must bend completely forward to weed
them, risking low-back problems.
Use a movable table to elevate trays while
bending forward while weeding lower plants cause lower back pain raising the height of the plants allow the worker to stand and eliminate lower back strain
Newly propagated plants are often kept in
plastic flats on the ground for initial growth
before “potting.”
Worker can stand while weeding, relieving
prolonged stress on back.
Worker must stoop and stay in bent position
to weed trays on ground.
Worker must still stoop to pick up and
replace trays, but change of position is better than prolonged position.
Worker fatigue and pain can lead to lower
work quality.
Tray is closer to worker, reducing strain
from reaching.
  Strain reduction will improve worker performance.

Weeding Stand

Why Bother With a Table?

You can help prevent chronic back injuries among weeders and should see improved work quality.

Won't Moving the Table Slow the Worker Down?

Probably not, if you calculate productivity over the work shift. Use of the table may result in slightly slower progress while workers are fresh. By midday, however, when back fatigue is setting in, workers using the table will be less tired and likely to move faster.

Should I Make or Buy a Table?

Either approach is fine provided that the table is the right size to fit the workers. As pictured, the ideal table will give workers a platform for the trays at just above their waist height. It should be light enough to move easily, but sturdy enough to be stable in use.

What If Weeding Flats Is Only a Part-Time Job in My Nursery?

The weeding table is still a good investment. Lots of nursery tasks other than weeding involve stooped posture. Relief, even in a part-time job, will help prevent long-term injury and will improve worker performance.

How Can I Make a Weeding Table?

weeding table made of light duty steel

With simple materials from your facility's shop or a home improvement store. The recommended material is light-duty steel, which will hold up under wet conditions, will not be too heavy to move around, and can be welded with typical shop equipment.

The drawing on this page shows 3/4"x 3/4" x 1/8" angle iron used for the table's legs, bottom bracing, and top bracing. The tabletop could be a piece of metal grating welded to the frame in a number of spots or a metal plate welded or bolted to the top. Cost for materials would be about $25.

Another possibility would be to make the table of aluminum, which is lighter in weight, and bolt the parts together rather than welding them. This would require a hacksaw, drill motor, wrenches, and some additional diagonal bracing. In any case, the key elements of the stand are height and portability.

An existing table could be retrofitted, if you have access to a shop and a welder. Two of the legs could be shortened and fitted with a steel rod, two lawnmower wheels (about $7.50 each), and push-on retaining caps, all of which are available at hardware stores.

A collapsible four-wheeled table is available ready-made for $227.99. This table has a push handle and is 24" long x 19-3/4" wide x 30" high. Contact, for example, Materials Handling Equipment, 7433 US 30 East, Fort Wayne, IN 46803. 219-749-0475. mhec/catalog.shtml

Contact Information:

This Tip Sheet was produced by the University of California Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center under a grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

UC Ag Ergonomics Research Center, Bio & Ag Engineering, UC Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5294. Or visit

Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers cover


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