Department of Agriculture & Markets


Grow New York's Enterprise Program

Helping Agri-Businesses Grow in New York State

The Grow NY Enterprise Program is a joint Governor's initiative of the Governor's Office for Small Cities (GOSC), Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) and the Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), which dedicates $3 million annually to increasing the demand for and expanding the use of New York's agriculture and forest products. The primary objective of the program is to provide funds to local governments who in turn use the dollars to assist qualifying businesses who undertake activities resulting in the creation of job opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons.

Generally, cities, towns and villages under 50,000 people and counties with an un-incorporated area population of under 200,000 people are eligible to participate in this program. For complete list of eligible communities, please visit

Emerging or expanding businesses that are focused on producing, processing, marketing or expanding New York produced agricultural products are eligible.

Businesses may use the money to fund a portion of a project they wish to undertake. Financing of machinery and equipment, building construction, working capital or real property acquisition are all eligible uses. Business development and marketing assistance is available along with financing for project development costs.

Under the Grow NY Enterprise Program, funds are provided to eligible communities for the following purposes:

  • To make loans for production agriculture and agribusiness development and expansion for an identified eligible activity which will result in the creation of permanent private sector job opportunities, principally for low-and moderate-income persons; or
  • To construct publicly owned facilities or infrastructure which are necessary to accommodate production agriculture and agribusiness development and expansion that will result in the creation of permanent private sector job opportunities, principally for low-and moderate-income persons.

The proposed project will be reviewed to ensure that:

  • Grow New York funds are needed to make the project feasible;
  • Project costs are reasonable;
  • All other sources of funds are committed;
  • Grow New York Enterprise funds are not being substituted for non-federal funds; and
  • The project is feasible and that the business owner is receiving a reasonable return on equity investment.

The State has set a general maximum funding limit of $750,000 per community with a $100,000 application minimum for projects. Projects are generally expected to result in the creation of at least one full-time equivalent job per $7,500 of funds provided.

Fifty-one percent of the jobs that are created as a result of the project must be either held by or made available to persons of low- and moderate-income households. A low- or moderate-income household is determined by number of people in the household corresponding to the household's income which is then compared to federal income limits.

A job is determined to be available to a low- or moderate-income person if special skills that can only be acquired with substantial training or work experience or education beyond high school are not a prerequisite to fill such jobs, or the business agrees to hire unqualified persons and provide training.

The following factors will be considered by the GOSC in selecting applications for funding:

  • The number of employment positions created;
  • The quality of the employment positions as measured by such factors as payroll, benefits, and skills training;
  • The extent of project feasibility as measured by a reasonable likelihood of the project being completely implemented in a timely manner and of producing substantial public benefit;
  • The extent of community benefit as measured by such factors as property and sales tax benefits, local purchases of raw materials and inventories, local impact of increased payrolls, local housing market impact, and construction and other local contracting opportunities; and
  • The extent to which the project positively impacts local, State, or Federal priorities.

Preliminary Evaluation Process: Involves an interview between Department of Agriculture and Markets, GOSC, the applicant community and the business. The objective of the preliminary evaluation process is to work with all involved parties prior to the formal application submission to determine eligibility, readiness of the project, feasibility, public benefit, and the overall appropriateness of funding. Communities with projects selected for further processing will be invited to submit a formal application for funding.

Application Process: An invitation to apply for funding will include an application package with instructions and the identification of any specific issues to be addressed in the application submission. No application will be accepted which has not been formally invited for submission. The application process will allow for communication between the applicant and GOSC staff and the submission of additional information throughout the review process. Prior to submission of its application, the community must provide for and encourage citizen input regarding the project, including holding a minimum of two public hearings. The applicant community must also have local legislative authorization for submission of the application.

NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12235

Grow New York Enterprise Program Application (PDF)