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US Airways Plane Goes Down; All Survive

US Airways Plane Goes Down; All Survive

An Airbus 320 jetliner crashed into the Hudson River after a flock of birds apparently disabled both engines, but rescuers pulled the more than 150 aboard into boats before the plane sank. 9:19 PM

Bone-Chilling Temps Settle Over East

Bone-Chilling Temps Settle Over East

Northeasterners got socked Thursday with the same subzero temperatures -- more than 30 below zero in some spots -- that brought teeth-chattering misery to the nation's midsection.

Democrats' Stimulus Plan Totals $825 Billion

Democrats' Stimulus Plan Totals $825 Billion

As House leaders unveiled legislation for an unprecedented $825 billion economic stimulus, UC Berkeley economist Christina Romer said she never dreamed that her scholarship on the Great Depression would be useful in making current economic policy.

Feds To Pay Over Veteran Who Killed Himself

The parents of an Iraq veteran who allegedly committed suicide after being turned away from a Department of Veterans Affairs facility said they've agreed to a $350,000 settlement.

Senate OKs Wilderness Exapansion In 9 States

Senate OKs Wilderness Exapansion In 9 States

The Senate approved a major expansion of wilderness areas nationwide Thursday, protecting more than 2 million acres of public land from drilling, logging and mining, including 735,000 acres across California.

Money Manager Faces Parade Of Legal Woes

Money Manager Faces Parade Of Legal Woes

A road atlas and campground directory discovered in the airplane cockpit of an Indiana man helped lead authorities to the remote Florida campsite where he was finally arrested.

Some wolves taken off endangered list

The Bush administration is removing gray wolves in the western Great Lakes and northern Rocky Mountains from the federal endangered...

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Alaska opposes listing whales as threatened

The state of Alaska will go to court to challenge a federal decision to protect beluga whales in Cook Inlet under the Endangered...

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VA told to explain medical care software flaws

The top Republican on the House Veterans Affairs Committee demanded Wednesday that the VA explain how it allowed software glitches to...

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It's buyer beware for some inaugural events

The inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama is supposed to be about change. But it's the cash money, not politics, that may be...

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Judge orders Guantanamo detainee freed

A federal judge ordered the military Wednesday to release one of its first Guantanamo Bay detainees, a 21-year-old man who has been...

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STDs on the rise - chlamydia cases set record

Sexually spread diseases - for years on the decline - are on the rise, with reported chlamydia cases setting a record, government...

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Businessman found after faking plane crash

With his world crumbling around him, investment adviser Marcus Schrenker opted for a bailout. However, his plan to escape personal...

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