Special Reports

Probe Into CCSF Funds

Report on the ex- chancellor's use of public money.

Lauding KIPP

Is the success at these public charter schools real?

The Three R's

Students learning to reuse, recycle and reduce.


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UC regents vote to limit fall 2009 enrollment

The University of California Board of Regents did something Wednesday that it found unsavory but...

International Rubik's Cube Competition

International Rubik's Cube Competition

If you're of a certain age, you might remember the original Rubik's Cube craze back in the 1980s, when...

Skilled workers needed for biotech jobs

Biotechnology remains a job creation engine for California despite the financial gridlock that threatens to starve smaller biotech...

Chronicle 1.14.09 5:46 PM

Governor makes a grab for state school funds

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose budget already makes dramatic cuts in education, is proposing to withhold billions of dollars from...

Chronicle 1.14.09 4:00 AM

A courteous S.F. school board meeting

The first meeting of the new San Francisco school board Tuesday featured the courteous and unanimous selection of a new president, a...

Chronicle 1.14.09 4:00 AM

S.F. celebration of science as fun and useful

Science may not always be known for its pizzazz, but don't tell that to Lucas Utzig. "My mommy won't believe her eyes," said the...

Chronicle 1.12.09 4:00 AM

Schwarzenegger skips school

The quick-hit ideas for bailing out California's finances are raining down: hock the lottery, furlough state workers two days per...

Chronicle 1.12.09 4:00 AM

California must preserve its higher-ed mission

Thanks to California's chronic budget shortages, there isn't any room for Californians in state prisons, on state highways or within...

Chronicle 1.11.09 4:00 AM

Cuts to state education budget

What's at stake: Five fewer days of school next year are among the cuts proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to save $5.2 billion...

Chronicle 1.10.09 4:00 AM

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