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Admission Requirements


Admission to programs within the School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences is based on the general admission requirements of the University, including a high school diploma or equivalency certificate and completion of the Scholastic Aptitude Test or American College Test. To be considered for admission, prospective applicants should have:


  • four course units in college preparatory English

  • three course units in mathematics, including geometry, algebra I, and algebra II

  • two course units in science, including at least one unit in a life or biological science and at least one laboratory course

  • it is recommended that prospective students complete at least two course units in one foreign language, and that they take one foreign language course unit and one mathematics course unit in the twelfth grade

To apply for admission, follow the application procedures of the University. You can learn more about the admission process at the below links:


For more information, please call or write:

Alton Thompson, Dean
School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences
Room 111 B.C. Webb Hall
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411
Phone: (336) 334-7979

Cultivating Potential
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