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Hazard Category

Based on the information reviewed, the ATSDR and NJDHSS have concluded that the MAI site currently poses no public health hazard. This evaluation is the result of an absence of a completed human exposure pathway associated with environmental media contaminated by previous disposal practices at the site (i.e., soils and groundwater).

However, groundwater contamination at the MAI site is present at levels of public health concern. The site is not presently impacting public supply wells. However, there is a concern that if the groundwater is not remediated, then public water system wells in the vicinity of site (especially the closest Camden City well located at a distance of approximately 1 3/4 miles) may become contaminated and increase the potential for exposure.


Cease/Reduce Exposure Recommendations

There are no immediate site specific actions necessary to reduce human exposures at the MAI site. However, monitoring of public supply wells in the vicinity of the site should continue.

Site Characterization Recommendations

Full characterization of the groundwater plume with respect to potentially affected public supply wells should be determined as soon as practicable so that appropriate remedial measures for the groundwater can be developed.


The Public Health Action Plan (PHAP) for the MAI site contains a description of the actions to be taken by the ATSDR and the NJDHSS at or in the vicinity of the site subsequent to the completion of this Public Health Assessment (PHA). The purpose of the PHAP is to ensure that this PHA not only identifies public health hazards, but provides a plan of action designed to mitigate and prevent adverse human health effects resulting from exposure to hazardous substances in the environment. The ATSDR and the NJDHSS are committed to follow up on this plan to ensure that it is implemented. The public health actions to be implemented by the ATSDR and the NJDHSS are as follows:

Public Health Actions Undertaken by ATSDR/NJDHSS:

  1. Environmental data have been evaluated within the context of human exposure pathways and relevant public health issues.

  2. The NJDHSS has prepared a Citizen's Guide for the MAI site for distribution to the Camden County Health Department and other interested parties.

Public Health Actions Planned by ATSDR/NJDHSS:

  1. The ATSDR and/or the NJDHSS will review additional site data generated by future remedial investigations for public health significance.

  2. ATSDR will provide a follow-up to this PHAP, as needed, outlining any additional actions completed and those in progress. This report will be placed in repositories that contain copies of this PHA, and will be provided to persons who request it.


This Public Health Assessment was prepared by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS) under a cooperative agreement with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). It is in accordance with approved methodology and procedures existing at the time the Public Health Assessment was begun.

Gregory V. Ulirsch
Technical Project Officer
Superfund Site Assessment Branch (SSAB)
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation (DHAC)

The Division of Health Assessment and Consultation, ATSDR, has reviewed this Public Health Assessment and concurs with its findings.

Richard Gillig


  1. Hazard Ranking System Documentation Package, Volume 1 of 1 - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. April 1999.

  2. Pollution Report - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. December 21, 1999.

  3. National Priorities List (NPL) Site Narrative at Listing - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. July 22, 1999.

  4. Site Visit Report (SVR), Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. NJDHSS/ATSDR. June 1998.

  5. Agency For Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Health Assessment Guidance Manual. Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers, 1992.

  6. Pollution Report - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. December 11, 1999.

  7. Pollution Report - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. November 26, 1999.

  8. Pollution Report - Martin Aaron, Inc. site, Camden City, Camden County, New Jersey. USEPA Region II. November 19, 1999.

  9. Personal Communication, Craig Wallace, NJDEP, April 12, 2000.


Preparer of Report:

Narendra P. Singh, M.D., M.S., C.I.H.
Research Scientist II
Health Assessment Project

ATSDR Regional Representative:

Thomas Mignone
Regional Representative; Region II
Regional Operations
Office of the Assistant Administrator

ATSDR Technical Project Officer:

Gregory V. Ulirsch, M.S.
Environmental Health Engineer
Technical Project Officer
Superfund Site Assessment Branch (SSAB)
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation

Any questions concerning this document should be directed to:

Health Assessment Project Manager
Hazardous Site Health Evaluation Program
Consumer and Environmental Health Services
Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
210 South Broad Street
P.O. Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360

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