Kentucky State University

First Year Experience


(502) 597-6217


The First-Year Experience program assists incoming students in their transitions toward successful development in academic and non-academic areas of university life. Supporting both Academic and Student Affairs through cooperation and collaboration, we counsel and advise new students, offer peer tutoring and mentoring services, while acknowledging the diversity within and among our students. Learning from the Land Grant and Liberal Arts traditions, First-Year Experience is committed to advocacy and the empowering of new students as they sojourn through the many phases of university life towards graduation.

First-Year Experience offers transitional, academic support and development support services and programming to incoming freshmen, transfer students, and commuter students. Our programming includes:

Student Transitional Services
Orientation activities
Parent orientation session
Student Survival Guides
Needs assessments (surveys, evaluations, etc.)
Student advocacy services for academic and non-academic concerns
A shared summer reading activity

Academic Support Services
Peers Empowering Peers (PEP) Tutoring Lab for all KSU students
Supplemental Instruction
Faculty support of UNV 101, developmental classes, other classes
Collaboration and cooperation with faculty
Study skills development

Development Support Services
Counseling and referral to other campus support services
Outreach opportunities with secondary school students
Peer Mentors in Thorobred Learning Communities/First-Year Families
Training/professional development for student workers
Rap sessions on topics of interest to students
Student research activities
Collaboration and cooperation with staff

First-Year Experience (FYE) is dedicated to guiding new students toward success in academic and non-academic areas of college life.

FYE counselors provide services in areas such as class scheduling, time management, and any other concerns facing first year students. Our counselors are experienced in supporting students as they navigate through the first year. All information shared between students and the FYE staff is confidential.

Academic Support
The Peers Empowering Peers Program (PEP) is an academic support service provided by FYE. PEP offers free tutoring not only to first year students, but to any KSU student who needs academic support outside the classroom. Tutoring is offered in the areas of Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Foreign Languages.

A FYE staff member manages the PEP Lab with Peer Tutors. Tutors must maintain minimum grade requirements and receive training so they may provide optimal services to KSU’s student body. Tutoring sessions are available Monday through Saturday and do not require appointments. Availibility hours of tutors who specialize in specific subjects are posted in the PEP Lab.

Located at Hill Student Center, RM 110A (follow signs) Call

Monday-Thursday 8:00a.m. - 9:00p.m.
Friday 8:00a.m - 4:00p.m
Saturday 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

Phone (502) 597-5041 weekdays, and (502) 597-5678 evenings and Saturdays

Though not an FYE program, the Communication Skills Center (CSC) offers assistance in reading, writing, study skills, and time management; located next door to PEP in 110B.

FYE Supplemental Instructors (upperclassmen) attend some classes, and then meet weekly with students to review, or supplement, instruction from faculty. This procedure offers students more time to understand class work, while helping them to succeed.

FYE supports faculty in University Orientation (UNV) 101, the Developmental classes, and in other classes frequented by new students. We collaborate with faculty concerning absences, concerns, personal issues, and positive things. Then, we work to find solutions for improvement and to support students in their celebrations.

FYE serves as advocates for new students in all areas of the University. Students are not alone as they matriculate through Kentucky State University.

Outreach Opportunities
Motivated and dedicated First-Year students have the opportunity to reach out to schools in local and surrounding communities during the second semester. In this outreach effort of “giving back,” students discuss with high school sophomores and juniors what they need to prepare for college, and what to expect in college.

Peer Mentoring in the KSU Thorobred Learning Community’s First-Year Families
The Peer Mentors and First-Year Family Program are FYE’s attempt to keep students connected to the university while diminishing isolation. Our goal is to assist new students in becoming active KSU students, connected to classes and the University as a learning community with people and experiences. Sophomore and upper class Peer Mentors are assigned to meet weekly with 20 new students per group or family. Peer Mentors meet weekly with FYE staff, who contact students needing extra assistance.

Surveys are utilized periodically to give FYE staff a better understanding of student needs.

Rap Sessions
Summer reading is required as a shared event in preparation for the first Rap Session, or discussion group. During the year, FYE holds rap sessions about articles to keep students informed and focused academically. They also offer students another means of expressing themselves. Call 502-597-6017 if you want to suggest a topic.

FYE Staff collaborates with KSU faculty and staff, and student families, when requested, to support students in our retention efforts.