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Collections Care

Caring for Collections
Collections Sizes


Margi Dykens
Contact for Collections Care
fax: 619.232.0248

The Collections Care and Conservation Department works with museum staff to improve the level of care and management of museum specimens. This includes a focus on preventive conservation, developing and implementing solutions that will maximize the life expectancy of specimens. During our building expansion and renovation, for example, our objective is to improve significantly the storage cabinetry for specimens — replacing antiquated, inadequate cabinets with state of the art steel cabinets.

Our goals also include improving the registration of specimens and management of information associated with specimens. We are obligated to be sure that specimens are collected legally, and that ownership is fully transferred to the Museum. For the specimens to be useful for science and education, the Museum is equally obligated to manage and make accessible the information associated with each specimen.

The Curator of Collections has, therefore, general oversight of all the objects owned by the Museum, including objects on exhibit and those held by the Education department for use in teaching. She provides expertise on object conservation issues and general museum policy affecting the care and management of specimens. The Curator actively seeks funding opportunities to support collection care. The position is temporarily vacant; questions should be referred to Dr. Ezcurra.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please contact the Museum's Volunteer Coordinator, 619.255.0245, to find out if your interests coincide with this department's wide variety of needs.

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