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Ag Sponsored Programs

A resource for administrators, faculty, staff, and others seeking information on grants and contracts associated with Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

The purpose of Ag Sponsored Programs is to advance the research mission of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources by providing grants and contracts services and guidance to faculty and departmental staff. Ag Sponsored Programs plays a key role in both the pre- and post-award processes, working closely with Departmental Staff, University offices and external entities.

DASNR Guidelines for Sponsored Programs Administration
Links to documents detailing administration of sponsored programs

Funding Opportunities
Links to upcoming deadlines, funding opportunity databases and individual funding agency websites.

Proposal Submission Procedures
DASNR procedures, terms, and conditions; budget worksheet; routing sheets, standard OSU agreements; F&A rates; benefit rates; and links to forms

Reports & Statistics
Links to files containing statistics and information on all grant proposals submitted and awards received for the current and past fiscal years.

Grant Writing Resources
Information about internal and external resources.

Helpful Links
Links to other sites, internal and external, related to the development and management of proposals, grants and contracts.

Ag Sponsored Programs Staff
Contact information, roles and responsibilities.

County Staff Resources
Guidelines, forms and staff information relating to County grant activities


ASPA Contact Information

Agricultural Sponsored Programs Administration
241 Agricultural Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: 405-744-7195
Fax: 405-744-8863