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Considered Sites Database Office of Legacy Management

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) developed the Considered Sites Database to provide information to the public about sites that were formerly used in the nation’s nuclear weapons and early atomic energy programs and that had the potential
for residual radioactive contamination.

Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in March 1974, under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, to identify, investigate, and take appropriate cleanup action at sites where work was performed in support of the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) and early AEC programs. Site activities included uranium ore storage and processing, uranium metal machining, and fuel element fabrication.

In 1977, administration and execution of FUSRAP was assumed by DOE, the successor agency to AEC. The initial task was to identify potential sites for cleanup. After reviewing records and radiometric surveys for residual radioactive contamination on more than 600 sites, DOE identified 46 sites that required cleanup. Limited cleanup began in 1979, and major remedial action was under way in 1981. Between 1981 and 1997, DOE remediated 25 of the 46 sites. In 1997, Congress transferred responsibility for site surveys and remediation to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. DOE remains responsible for initial eligibility determinations and long-term surveillance and maintenance.

FUSRAP Considered Sites Database

Information in the database documents eligibility determinations and characterization, remediation, verification, and certification activities for all FUSRAP sites.

Sites in the database are identified in two categories:

1. Sites Designated for remediation under FUSRAP
A site may be designated for remediation under FUSRAP if the following criteria are met:
The site was involved in MED or early AEC activities
Residual radioactive contamination likely remains on the site from these activities at levels that pose a risk to human health or the environment, or exceed applicable standards, and
The federal government is liable for remediation of the contamination
The U.S. Congress may also designate sites for remediation.
2. Sites Eliminated from further consideration for remediation under FUSRAP
The elimination of sites from further consideration for remediation is based on findings derived from studies and analyses conducted by DOE. A site will be eliminated for the following reasons:
Records do not support a finding of DOE authority for cleanup of the site
There is no indication that radioactive materials were used at the site, or
The potential is remote for residual radioactive contamination on the site that exceeds DOE criteria

Information Fields

Ten fields in the database provide concise historical and current status descriptions of each site:
FUSRAP Designated Name: A site's designated name is the official name used in formal documentation supporting the designation of the site for remedial action. For sites that were not designated for remediation under FUSRAP, "Not Designated" will be entered in this field.
Alternate Site Name(s): Over time, sites were referred to by different names or titles. The most common alternate names are included to help identify sites and prevent duplication of sites in the database.
Site Location: If applicable, a complete street address, including number, street, city, and state, is provided. However, in most instances, particularly for those sites that involve large land areas where land use has changed over the years, specific street addresses are not available. In such cases, street intersections and legal descriptions are used if they are available.
Evaluation Year: The year in which the decision was made to designate or eliminate a site from FUSRAP.
Site Operations: A brief description of the operations conducted on the site in support of MED or early AEC programs and activities.
Site Disposition: If a site was eliminated from FUSRAP, the basis of the decision such as "no authority" or "residual radioactivity below criteria" is provided. In most instances, a finding of "no authority" is followed by indication of a referral of the site to another federal or state agency for consideration.
Radioactive Materials Handled? Yes, No, or None Indicated. If yes, the primary radioactive materials are identified.
Primary Radioactive Materials Handled: The primary radioactive elements (thorium, uranium, and some transuranic elements) present on the site are identified. In some instances, nonradioactive elements such as beryllium, zirconium, and other rare metals are also identified.

Radiological Surveys Conducted? Yes, No, or None Indicated. If yes, all available reports of surveys conducted are identified as reference documents.

Site Status: This category is the current status of the site. Brief descriptions of typical responses are
  Cleanup Complete – Certified: FUSRAP sites where DOE completed the cleanup and certified that radiological conditions conform to project standards by Federal Register Notice and distribution of a Certification Docket.
  Cleanup Complete – Certification Pending: FUSRAP sites where DOE completed cleanup and certification
of site conditions is in process.
  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (FUSRAP) – Cleanup Pending: Sites currently under consideration for cleanup by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (FUSRAP) – Cleanup in Process: FUSRAP designated sites where cleanup
is under way.
  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (FUSRAP) – Cleanup Complete: Sites where cleanup was completed by the
Corps of Engineers.
  Eliminated from consideration under FUSRAP: Sites that were considered for FUSRAP but were eliminated from the program because of "no authority" or other indications that the site did not warrant inclusion in FUSRAP. Referral of the site to another federal agency may also be indicated.

Other information sources are listed to provide more comprehensive and current information on several of the sites eliminated from consideration under FUSRAP. Where appropriate, site names are linked to other web pages. Furthermore, some of the site names are linked to summary narratives that provide data on eliminated sites for which little information is available.

Other Sites Database

The Other Sites Database provides information on a group of approximately 40 sites in the initial DOE Considered Sites Database framework that were not considered for inclusion in FUSRAP. A brief narrative with a description and status of each site is provided. Many of these sites have subsequently been remediated under other programs and are now assigned to the DOE Office of Legacy Management for long-term surveillance and maintenance.

Please direct any comments to the Considered Sites Database mailbox.