Hosted Digital Library: News Feed via Inline Frames

You can have our personalized news feed on your site. Below are examples of the use of inline frames (iframes) for hosting an Engineering Pathway Digital Library news feed on your own site. The code necessary to use an iframe is minimal.

To include the iframe in a web page, simple tags containing the source url and desired attributes of the iframe are embedded in the site code where the news feed is to be located. Height and width, and other optional attributes of the iframe, can be set to the values that best suit your site layout. You may also customize the content of the news feed by including discipline/subject ID numbers in the URL. The list of discipline/subject IDs can be found here.

Below, you'll find examples of news feed that can be added to a site, and the line of code needed to do so. Simply click, copy and paste the line of code to be embedded.

Below this set of iframes is a list of some of the optional attributes and acceptable values for customizing the iframe.

News for all Engineering and Computing disciplines

News for Mechanical Engineering related disciplines
To see an example of the iframe below in place in an external site, please visit the ASME Mechanical Engineering Body of Knowledge Blog.

News for Computing related disciplines

These are some of the optional attribute values for the iframe:

height: pixels, % - defines the height of the iframe

width: pixels, % - defines the width of the iframe

scrolling: yes, no, auto - defines scroll bars

align: left, right, top, middle, bottom - specifies how to align the iframe according to the surrounding text

frameborder: 1, 0 - specifies whether or not to display a frame border

marginheight: pixels - defines the top and bottom margins of the iframe

marginwidth: pixels - defines the left and right margins of the iframe

Please contact Andi Niess if you have questions about hosting the Engineering Pathway Digital Library search with an iframe on your site.