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Today in History

January 17, 1871,
U.S. patent issued for an "endless wire rope way" cable car.
See related resources on cable cars.

EP Weblog

Engineering Education "Today in History" Blog: Solar Heating and Radiation Cooling

News in Engineering Education

We've launched our News in Engineering Education service - a continuous feed of user-submitted items, with the most recent items displayed here.

The complete list of news is available on the News in Engineering Education page. We invite all registered users to submit current news related to Engineering Education.

History of Combustion Shows Alternatives Must be Found, Chemists Say
January 16, 2009

SQUID: The Long (and Sticky) Arms of the Law - What?s possible when a group of scientists are inspired by a famous superhero and a giant creature from the sea? How about a new technology for stopping the bad guys in their tracks?
January 16, 2009

Disposal of Coal Ash Rises As Environmental Issue - Recent Spill Spurs Proposals for Tighter Controls
January 16, 2009


In the Spotlight - 2009 International Year of Astronomy

In 2009 we celebrate 400 years of Galileo's observations, the background theme for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Galileo made the first complete telescope and used it to gather evidence that Earth revolves around the sun - a view that contradicted the Church and its teaching at the time that placed Earth at the center of the Universe.

The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) will be a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture. A grand opening ceremony in Paris will launch the worldwide public education campaign, which has strong support from the National Science Foundation. The aim of the Year is to stimulate worldwide interest, especially among young people, in astronomy and science under the central theme "The Universe, Yours to Discover"

For more information, see our resources on Galileo, space telescopes, astronomy and aerospace engineering. For curricular resources, visit the Aerospace Engineering Education community site.

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