OCR Interpretation

What is OCR?

Cd   1   i
A   w   7II1E   PAVUC   EVENING   SUN   PAGE   TWo
iinissioner   Vreeland   Gives   Names
of   lecturers   Furnished   By
t   4The   State
i   1
P   4ucsh   will   have   a   state   farmers   Institute   under   tho   direction   of
to   board   of   agriculture   with   sonic   of   tho   most   learned   men   on
<   I   of   agriculture   In   the   United   States   to   lecture   to   those   In   at
Me   This   has   been   decided   on   by   Commissioner   of   Agriculture   Hu
yreeland   who   announced   Ws   plans   yesterday   to   Secretary   Coons
Commercial   club
OTie   institute   Is   to   be   the   climax   of   the   county   Institutes   being   foster
fSe   department   In   southwestern   Kentucky   and   prizes   for   the   best
pcU   i   from   many   of   the   counties   will   be   offered   by   thostate
the   sessions   will   occupy   three   days   the   latter   part   of   October   and
ill   be   held   <   probably   In   tr   6   Kentucky   theater   The   date   will   be   decided
I   by   the   PaJucah   Commercial   club   and   the   county   Farmers   institute
t   Tae   commissioner   y   said   that   large   delegations   will   be   present
mar   Other   sections   off   ihe   state   as   agricultural   matters   always   Interest
meta   of   the   central   countiesIM
Teiterdky   SecreU   >   y   Coons   oftho
iDirclal   t   dub   >   spent   thedayIn
jUtfpjrt   Iltjfccln   the   Interest   of   the
DIOf   Paducah   and   McCracken
On   his   return   he   said
jivrar   Beckham   and   Commls
f   Vreeland   provided   me   with
iocafeents   appointing   Andreas
Bltschberger   of   Vienna   Austria
JA   cbaJmiMioner   of   Immigration
wrtc   la   connection   with   thePadu
Commercial   club   In   the   Inter
of   this   immigration   movement
goveriior   and   commissioner   ex
liithBaielves   as   being   in   hear
HMtkr   with   the   work   the   Com
rf   J   19   doing   on   Immtgra
ttH   the   governor   stated   that   he
Ss   <   to   b   present   at   theconven
fMtli   fourth   and   fifth   of   Octo
unLeag   some   thing   unforseen   pre
fchi   t   He   heartily   endorses   the   I
imercliil   clubs   immigration
e   with   the   caution   that   the   un
bl   >   lement   should   be   careful
i   iededout
some   tlmerthe   Commercial
has   been   making   efforts   to   se -
e   fwxtrannuajjjtate   Farmers
itB   <   yesterday   Commissioner
Ui   agreed   to   give   Paducah   and
ejceja   county   a   special   meeting
state   institute   to   bo   known   as
fene   l   l   roundup   of   theinsti
li   for   lljo   years   work   at   which
Jfce   commissioner   and   board
the   following   men   of   na
il   l   utatlon   top   7uiiUe   jhe   sub
Mlgned   to   them
frj   IJueF   D   Coburn   secre
of   the   state   Aboard   ot   agricul
ot   Kansas   I   v
mlgratlon   Commissioner   gen
rt   Jf   Sargeant   of   tho   depart
i   jif   eommerce   and   labor   Wash
>   u   JC -
ry   Gifford   W   Plnchot   of
TkirwHi   of   forestry   of   the   na
t   4epartment   of   agriculture   f
hor   Hon   Samuel   C   Gomp
bad   of   the   federation   of   labor
Dri   Syrus   O   Hopkins   dean
Agriculture   college   of   Illinois
Koid   Samuel   C   I   ancas
ioasultftfg   engineer   of   tne
ted   t   States   department   ofagrlcut
jm   ik4   Cora   Products   Prof
Holden   vice   dean   of   the   Iowa
MMeat   station   of   Ames   Iowa
Professor   Holden   wltnout   count
h   ablest   expert   on   corn   and   corn
t   la   the   United   States   and -
y   any   other   country   and   to
kJ   lectures   and   hear   him   ex
da   details   the   wonders   of   the
r   production   of   this   great   sta
Mwell   i   worth   the   attendanceor
11w   rrerln   Kentucky   In   fact   ev
part   mentioned   for   the   various
tit   above   stands   at   the   head
Itfjr   profession   and   a   recognized
i   a   farther   favor   CommUslon
talld   wl   otter   a   number   of
ilkt   e   prizes   for   various   products
f   q   Southwestern   Kentucky
BW   date   for   this   meeting   will   be
aged   as   soon   as   the   directors   or -
e   Farmers   Institute   and   the   Com
rclal   club   can   confer   on   the   mat
<   Probably   It   will   be   Lich   the
week   In   October
eeramlMioner   Vreeland   and   his   I
oclatfts   have   pledged   large   dele
lodi   I   i   for   all   the   easterncounties
I   It   Jiwains   for   the   local   citizens
I   tho   t   farmers   of   the   countyto
ethis   the   greatest   Farmers
dltCever   held   In   the   United
TWillmitfcweat   Kentucky   Farmers
Intltute   will   be   held   In   Paducah   on
Thursday   Friday   and   Saturday   Oc -
tober   25   2C   and   2i
Church   Members   DIsolHy   Ills   Man -
dates   AKinst   AVorldllncsN+
Sioux   City   Iowa   Aug   IoORev
GeorgeSoHr   has   turned   his   back   on
tho   First   Baptist   church   of   which   he
has   been   pastor   for   a   year   because<
Its   members   have   refused   to   renounce
the   world   and   follow   his   commands
When   Mr   Soltau   accepted   the   call   to
the   church   he   told   tho   members   he
would   stay   only   EO   long   as   they   obey -
ed   the   rules   he   set   down   Ho   forbade
all   Sunday   amusements   and   attend -
ance   at   dances   lodges   or   other   func
tjong   on   prayer   meeting   night   and
made   other   rules   which   went   hartl   A
good   many   of   the   members   fell   frcir
grace   and   Mr   Soltau   decided   to   quit
them   as   Incorrigible   Mr   SoHan   has
been   an   evangelist   working   in   almoa
every   part   of   England   and   America
He   will   make   his   headquarters   In   Cbl
cage   hereafter
Ri   J   Iluck   llndly   Beaten   by   dames
Gorman   In   Hitter   Conflict
Kenosha   WIs   August   30   As
the   result   of   an   old   feud   E   J   Hud
and   Mayor   James   Gorman   met   In   a
bitter   personal   encounter   in   tho   bar -
room   of   the   Elchelman   hotel   Ian
night   and   Huck   was   so   badly   beaten
by   the   mayor   that   he   Is   In   bed   to
day   It   Is   declared   by   witnesses   that
Huck   Invited   the   attack   by   abusing
the   mayor   This   morning   a   warrant
charging   assault   was   issued   for   tile
arrest   of   Huck   but   later   It   was
withdrawn   and   Mayor   Gorman   went
to   the   county   court   and   filed   an   ap
plication   for   an   examination   Into   time
mental   condition   of   Huck   Gorman
claims   that   Huck   repeatedly   blllt
threatened   his   lite
SIASS   OK   imoniov   HONKS
Boy   Falls   1   om   Iliculir   Glllllry   mid
Will   Live
Evansville   Ind   Aug   30Cbarles
Perkins   aged   10   years   and   residIng
In   Cherry   street   fell   a   distance   of   28
feet   In   tho   now   Wells   BIJou   theater
building   yesterday   afternoon   and   was
seriously   Injured   He   suffered   a   dis -
location   of   the   right   shoulder   a   fract -
ure   of   the   upper   Jaw   bone   a   doutft
fracture   at   the   right   wrist   and   had
two   bones   broken   In   the   palm   of   his
right   hand   He   probably   owes   his
life   to   the   fact   that   he   broke   his   fall
by   strIking   the   floor   first   with   his
right   hand   That   he   was   not   killed
instantly   Is   I   a   miracle   for   hoplunged
to   tho   hard   pine   floor   head   foremost
Convicted   by   Court   In   AlaskJi   of
Washington   Sept   1   Tho   de -
partment   of   justice   today   received   a
telegram   dated   Waldez   Alaska   to
the   effect   that   the   six   Japanese   were
convicted   of   attempting   to   kill   fur
seals   on   St   Pauls   Island   Five   oth
era   pleaded   guilty   The   case   of   an -
other   was   before   Jury   When   these
men   were   captured   five   others   were
State   Board   of   Agriculture
EC1   H   To   Meet   Here   DuringConvention
Xtitwt   Veeland   comrals
of   Mci   ulture   and   immlgra
geamised   Secretary
<   >   10   UM   C   Him   rcIai   clubthat
wjH   ijH   lw   state   board   to   meet
Pttdgck   a   lrl   lIt   the   immigration   i
but   onV   Oilier   4   udj   to   take
II   Itfcc   o6   v   itlon   and   becometI
more   familiar   with   the   importance   of
Immigration   and   also   to   put   the
board   In   position   to   cooperate   with
the   Paducah   Commercial   club   and
the   citizens   of   Jacksons   Purchase
Governor   Bcckhunr   said   ho   will   be
present   unless   something   conflicts
Secretary   of   State   McChesney   also
I   will   try   to   attend   N
r   L
Some   Strange   Conditions   That   For
i   incrly   KxiMeil   In   time   Mull
J   Service
>   i
WaS   ingtonTalk   Iwould
seem   trf   be   cheap   In   England   at   pies
anti   according   to1   information   received
itt   tlio   state   department   fhat   Is   talk
byVmeans   of   mechanical   devices   for
communication   J   between   distantpoints
for   the   Englishgovernment   finds
Itself   compelled   10   reduceito   u   great
extent   of   tolls   on   dhe   telegraph   lines
which   It   runs   In   order   to   compete
with   the   privatelyowned   <   telephone
A   rather   curious   condition   of   affair
exists   in   England   from   the   same
cause   that   has   left   her   far   behind   In
electric   railways   as   compared   to   this
country   that   Is   tho   municipal   owner -
ship   craze   since   the   privatelyowned
telephone   Is   to   a   groat   extent   used   fIr
the   transmission   of   long   distance
messages   which   In   this   country   on
accoutn   of   greater   personal   convent
once   are   naturallffltent   l   bytelegraph
The   English   government   Indeed
finds   inoreaslii   difficulty   according
to   the   reports   Todeired   <   here   Incom -
peting   through   Its   own   telegraph   lines
with   tho   telephone   about   the   only
thing   which   has   not   yet   come   under
the   control   of   munlcloal   ownership   In -
King   Edwards   isle   But   oven   when
tempted   by   low   rates   the   Englishman
doesnt   seem   to   care   to   take   advan -
tage   of   them   t   for   according   to   the
latest   report   of   the   census   bureau
Americans   csetho   phono   and   the
wire   many   Mmes   oftener   than   do
the   natives   off   the   mother   country
All   of   which   would   seem   to   Indicate
that   John   Dull   has   found   his   govern -
ment   and   cite   business   monopolies
more   or   less   ofa   loslnt   game
Mail   Girrylnjj   Service
Competition   In   bidding   for   mali
contracts   particularly   In   rural   dis -
tricts   Is   fast   becoming   a   matter   oC
history   according   to   postodlce   officials
Formerly   Uncle   Sam   found   carrier
for   many   of   the   smaller   route   for
practically   nothing   but   in   nearl
every   such   case   the   man   who   halls
the   Jobtiowad8ys   receives   a   more   or
less   adequate   compensation   Under
the   old   regime   the   most   extraordinary
condition   of   affairs   often   existed   For
Instance   tho   mall   barrier   at   Lake
Charles   La   was   under   contract   for
four   years   to   pay   to   the   government
the   sum   of   50   a   year   for   carrying
the   malls   by   steamer   a   distance   of
fiftyfive   miles   three   times   each   week
the   valve   to   the   carrier   being   found
of   course   In   the   business   standing
which   he   derived   from   the   service
This   contract   has   Just   ended   and   the
new   Incumbent   Is   to   receive   a   salary
of   JSOOQ   a   year   for   doing   Just   the
same   work   that   cost   his   predecessor
50   annually   A   still   more   curious
Instance   of   the   old   order   Is   found   In
tho   case   of   West   Brid   eton   Vt   where
the   carrier   for   going   twelve   timer   a
week   to   t   Woodstock   six   milesaway
received   the   princely   remuneration   of
one   cent   each   year   for   his   services
His   successor   now   receives   100   A
former   carrier   of   Freedom   NV   H   also
distinguished   Jimself   by   carrying   the -
m   ls   several   miles   dally   for   two   and
a   half   mills   a   year   The   Job   now
pays   fl50   Altogether   Uncle   Sams
letter   carriers   aro   coming   Into   newer
and   better   conditions   to   which   the
automobile   as   a   future   means   of   dis -
tribution   forms   a   very   attractive   If
not   yet   acUally   existing   addition
Shirt   Waist   In   Army
The   shirt   waist   man   who   came
struggled   against   criticism   and   dis -
appeared   Is   likely   to   find   in   thr
United   States   army   the   perpetuation
of   the   custom   ho   attempted   to   so
Soldlersln   shir   waists   that   Is   tho   gist
of   the   suggestion   recently   mado   to   the
war   department   by   General   Leonard
Wood   commanding   the   Philippine
division   His   suggestion   in   particu -
lar   Is   that   the   troops   of   his   command
be   authorized   to   wear   the   rank   Insig -
nia   on   their   shirts   under   condition
which   make   it   admirable   to   dlspene
with   the   coat   Unfortunately   there
Is   no   money   available   for   the   pur
chase   of   additional   insignia   but   the
war   department   has   authorized   tho
use   of   khaki   chevrons   on   the   shirts
and   General   Wood   will   be   allowed   to
regulate   the   practice   of   leaving   off
the   service   coats   uniformity   however
being   Insisted   upon   In   the   matter   In
the   Interest   of   discipline   and   neatness
Dozen   Hear   AdmlriiK
The   navy   Is   to   lose   through   retire
rodent   In   the   next   twelve   months   Just
anjTovon   dozen   of   its   twentytwo   roar
admirals   among   whom   will   be   found
Rear   Admiral   Slgsbee   who   was   In1
command   of   the   old   Maine   at   the   time
of   her   destruction   In   the   harbor   of
Havana   Tho   effects   of   the   age   limit
will   not   stop   with   the   admirals   either
Blnco   with   one   exception   the   com -
mandant   of   every   navy   yard   In   the
country   is   to   be   t   retiredFighting
Bob   Kyans   as   The   Is   generally   known
will   be   forded   to   take   a   back   teat   In   a
lltUe   less   than   two   years   Nor   Is   tho   i
retirement   of   prominent   officers   limit
ed   to   the   navy   for   on   the   16th   of   II
September   Lloutonant   General   Corblu   I
will   cease   to   be   tho   active   head   of   the
army   a   tact   rendered   rather   more   In -
teresting   ben   It   Is   remembered   that
ifeutenant   generals   have   been   mar
of   the   exception   than   the   rule   In   tho
United   States   army   and   that   bcfoo
long   the   title   will   cease   to   exist
mfsiSKss   ox   CHAXOI
Products   Taken   on   Contract   and
Stowl   In   Storvliouses   s
Chicago   Sept   3Tltree   million
bushels   of   wheat   wore   sent   out   on
special   contract   on   the   board   of   trade
today   and   taken   In   by   storehouses
Other   deliveries   on   steamer   contracts
were   5000   bushels   of   corn   753000
bushels   of   oats   iWO   tierces   of   lard
2500000   pounds   of   ribs   and   2500
barrels   of   pork
After   Ortobir   First   Packers   Will
Hare   to   Take   Chnnn   WHh
Present   Supply
Washington   D   C   Sept   lSec
retary   Wilson   Assured   tho   represen1
tatlves   of   the   meat   packing   Inter -
ests   of   the   country   with   whom   ho
continued   his   conference   today   that
he   had   no   authority   to   extend   be -
yond   the   first   of   October   tho   plic
Ing   of   labels   on   canned   goods   or
other   meat   products
He   told   the   packers   flatly   that   they   i
must   be   prepared   on   that   date   jlo
properly   label   their   goods   or   they
would   not   be   permitted   to   seud   them
through   the   channels   of   Interstate
commerce   The   question   Was   raised   astothe
status   of   goods   now   on   the   shelves
of   wholesale   and   retail   merchants   of
the   country   The   secretary   salt   I   Itwas
manifestly   Impossible   for   the   gov
ernment   to   Inspect   them   and   that   the
owners   or   holders   of   the   foods   ho
suggested   would   have   to   take   their
chances   on   selling   them
One   thing   was   certain   they   could
not   be   shipped   from   one   state   to   an
other   Tho   law   howevej   does   not
prohibit   their   sale   where   they   happen
now   to   be
The   disposal   of   such   goods   de -
pended   upon   the   desire   of   tho   con
sumer   Wilson   said   that   the   packers
wero   anxious   to   conform   In   all   re -
spects   to   tho   law   and   that   the   con -
ference   had   made   evident   the   fact
that   some   of   them   would   be   unable
to   comply   with   all   of   its   provisions
by   the   first   of   October   because   they
had   not   been   sufficiently   forehanded
in   their   preparations   These   men
necessarily   would   be   obliged   the   see
retary   said   to   confine   their   business
operations   within   their   own   state
line   until   such   time   as   they   wore   pre -
pared   fully   to   meet   the   requirement
of   tho   meat   Inspection   act
novernnient   Rxjiefteil   to   Make   flans
to   find   It   In   TeA   Venn
Washington   Sept   1   China
has   awakondd   to   tho   necessity   ot   sup -
pressing   the   opium   traffic   and   ad -
vices   which   have   reached   the   state
department   show   that   drastic   meas -
ures   to   accomplish   this   end   are   un -
der   consideration   The   government
derives   a   revenue   of   about   4000
000   a   year   out   of   the   duty   Imposed
upon   opium   Imported   Into   China   and -
s   loath   to   deny   Itself   this   Income   by
shutting   Its   doors   to   opium   It   Is   rev
orted   China   contemplated   entering
an   agreement   with   India   to   diminish
annually   the   Imnort   of   opium   Into
China   so   that   the   traffic   will   cease
In   ten   years   An   imperial   edict   Is   ex -
pected   condemning   the   use   of   opi -
um   and   forbidding   tho   employment
In   the   government   service   of   opium
raters   The   edict   will   also   order   an
annual   reduction   In   poppy   cultlva
ion   with   the   Industry   to   be   prohlb
ted   at   the   end   of   ten   years
XAP   AT   8   A   M   COSTS   IIIHDK
Girl   1   Finds   Fiance   Asleep   nailDeserts
Him   for   Old   Sweetheart
Rockford   III   Sept   IJust   before
he   was   about   to   leave   today   for   Free
porn   where   bo   was   to   have   been   mar
Tied   tonight   to   Miss   Vivian   Welnhod
William   Buscke   received   a   message   to
thoeffedt   that   ho   neednt   take   tho
trouble   to   go   as   Mies   WeInhold   had
been   married   In   Dubuque   to   William
V   Gleaeon   an   old   sweetheart   It   III1
learned   tthat   when   Miss   Welnhold
was   In   Rockford   one   day   last   week
she   called   at   the   home   of   her   fiance
at   8   a   m   end   found   that   too   was   still
Cumbering   It   Is   believed   Miss   Weln
hold   didnt   think   a   man   should   be
asleep   at   that   hour   and   that   this
caused   the   estrangement
SatMcribe   For   The   sun
T   rIfI
iIiIIo   fl   2   i   ItJlJ   I
Immigration   Convention   Promises   to
llo   irunt   Success   on   October
1   niul   a
Tho   citizens   of   EMayflold   and   Graves
county   are   waking   up   in   splendid
shape   to   the   Importance   of   the   immi
gration   convention   to   bo   held   In   la
duoah   October   4   and   5
Graves   county   and   Mayfield   willII
probably   tend   a   delegation   of   at   least
2   <   OO   enthusiastic   citizens   for   thoImmi -
gration   movement   and   the   upbuild   i
ing   of   Mayfield   and   Graves   county
and   all   southwestern   Kentucky   Mayor
Watts   has   appointed   the   following   del
egates   from   the   city   George   Kennedy
T   J   Murphy   J   W   Landuni   Dr   J
L   Dlsmukos   Will   Illdgeway   II   C
Xeale   J   T   Webb   W   J   Webb   J   E
Robbins   B   P   Key   It   P   Wright   II
J   Wright   J   R   Leeman   John   Watts
Gus   Thomas   R   0   Hester   It   E
Johnson   W   K   Wall   George   Pike
H   J   Moorman   J   L   Sherrill   George
LIgon   C   W   Wilson   H   A   Coulter
Art   Brand   W   A   Usher   G   T   Fuller
R   T   Davis   J   D   Watson   D   F   Ito
Mlles   Scott   Cook   Will   Brand   Joe
Hamlett   leo   Dupree   I
The   Commercial   club   appointed   the
following   committee   to   call   on   van
ous   professions   and   lines   of   business
in   too   city   and   explain   to   them   the
Importance   and   value   of   this   Imml
graton   movement   and   Interest   them   I
In   tho   convention   meeting   by   pledg   i -
ing   them   to   attend   and   cooperate   I
with   the   Commercial   club   In   this   work
and   also   to   arrange   rh   them   to   At -
tend   a   general   mass   meeting   to   be   1 -
held   tho   latter   part   of   the   month   In
the   Interest   of   the   Immigration   conj
vention   Committees   arc   as   follows
Traveling   Men   Stanley   DuBols
Finis   Lack   IsI
Retail   Merchants   Association   H
C   Rhodes   James   A   Rudy
Physicians   Or   Frank   Boyd   and
Dr   J   R   Coleman
Real   Estate   and   Insurance   C   13
Jennings   and   W   P   HummeV>
FactoriesA   J   Deck   Earl   bal
mer   and   J   V   Hardy   o
Wholesale   GrocersiyEdf   1   irlcy
will   Otark   and   Pat   lAll   >   rLI   t
Druggists   J   P   a   l   rtafilarsI
Bagby   GUll   Smith   t   h   t
Coal   denier   Transfer   fomtanloj+I
and   teamsters   P   Di   Pltzpatrlek
Tom   Barry   0   HM   Bndd   and   James
Banljera   W   F   Paxlon   J   6
Bleeeker   and   B   H   Scott
Led   by   Unfit   und   Itartcmleni   Work -
men   Go   to   Hear   u   Semen
Terre   Haute   Ind   Sept   4   With
a   band   of   mur   +   c   at   their   headmom
bona   of   trade   union   last   evening
marched   to   the   FIrSt   Baptist   church
to   listen   to   the   Labor   day   sermon   b   y
tho   pastor   Rev   D   B   Cheney   The
Bartenders   union   was   In   front   nn4
moro   largely   represented   than   any
other   union
The   Bartenders   unlqn   adopted   n
resolution   effective   tomorrow   to   flmi
a   member   Uli   for   rolling   liquor   after
11   oclock   or   on   Sundays   The   bar -
tenders   eay   It   Is   purely   a   labor   move
ment   for   shorter   hours
This   action   Is   coincident   with   tho
advent   tomorrow   of   Mayor   Lyons   ad -
ministration   which   commonly   has   been
expected   to   lift   the   lid   but   tho   mot   e
of   the   bartenders   may   prevent   this   ti
H   0   Hnnilliy   Mount   Vernon   Send
Challenge   to   SUite   Senator   Roche
Mount   Vernon   Ind   Sept   4   B
O   Handby   a   labor   leader   of   South -
ern   Indiana   and   editor   of   tho   Una
fraid   a   Socialist   newspaper   published
here   has   challenged   State   Senator
Rocho   editor   of   the   Democrat   to
lIght   a   duel   Tho   challenge   stipu -
lates   swords   pistols   or   brickbats   as
Senator   Roche   may   prefer   ana   as   s -
him   to   name   the   time   and   place
Handby   has   been   very   bitter   against
Roche   In   the   paper   apd   Roche   has
attacked   Handbys   record   Several
days   ago   Handy   went   to   the   office
of   tho   Democrat   and   was   thrown   Into
the   street   by   Roche
Mrs   Merrill   It   Mills   Ajqillm   for   Di
valve   on   Statutory   Grounds
Detroit   Sept   4Ilerrlll   B   Mills
of   this   city   who   Is   reputed   to   have
greater   Interests   In   stow   foundries
than   any   other   Individual   In   the   world
Is   heylly   Interested   In   Detroit   enter -
prises   and   Is   a   noted   yachtman   Is
being   sued   for   divorce   His   wife   <le -
a   daughter   of   Charles   K   Eddy   of
Saginaw   the   wealthy   lumberman
arid   In   her   bill   she   makes   statutory
charges   and   avers   cruelty   Mr   Win
will   contest   tho   case
1IdII   r1i   l
We   are   in   the   shoe   business   cud   want   to   call   your   atten   I -
tion   to   a   few   facts   you   should   know
y   land
Leather   is   higher   now   than   it   has   been   since   the   civil   war
and   we   are   compelled   to   pay   more   money   to   get   the   same   shoe
we   have   been   selling   and   of   course   will   have   to   charge   you   i
a   little   more   However   you   can   rest   assured   we   will   not   mis -
represent   a   shoe   to   you   and   will   not   tell   you   it   is   just   as   good
as   you   have   always   gotten   for   the   same   money   if   It   is   not   We
can   give   you   shoes   at   any   price   and   we   guarantee   all   ol   out
shoes   and   our   guarantee   means   something
Call   around   and   see   us   and   we   will   give   J   you   thebs
proposition   you   can   get   anywhere   consistent   with   honorable   i   r
straightforward   dealing   Respectfully
Geo   Rock   Shoe   Co   r   t
Sellers   of   Shoes   and   Satisfaction
321   Broadway   Paducah   Ky
Home   Seekersr
Oklahoma   Indian   1   erritory   and   Texas
Write   fog   liertnre   and   full   Information
IOklahoma   I   CORNATZAR   A   G   P   A   Memphis   Teun1
P   S   WKHVBR   T   P   A   Nashville   Teun
Hon   John   K   Hendrick   Makes   Y
a   Formal   Announcement   ofr
His   Candidacy   For   The
Office   of   Attorney   General
To   My   I   Fellow   Citizens   ofKentucky
1   take   this   method   of   announcl
1   nt   I   o   ofattornoygunornlof1Kentucky
cratlv   party   I   do   this   fully   apprectat
the   honor   to   which   I   aspire   but   feel1
one   off   nor   humblest   0111   when   he   I
putrlotfc   My   record   at   a   citizen   and   r
Mate   The   Democratic   party   ban   nov
called   In   vale   however   perilous   tho
If   I   shall   be   chosen   as   tho   cand
dldate   of   the   whole   party   and   not   t
clique   or   machine   Should   I   bo   so   I
count   myself   the   servant   of   the
and   shall   do   my   utmost   to   discharge   t
I   Ij   and   In   such   way   as   tn   ovarypar
promote   the   welfare   of   the   whole   II
as   little   expense   to   the   state   as   1
Modosty   forbids   me   to   speak   of   1
187C   and   have   been   a   close   student   t
state   or   national   capital   In   dlscharg
my   fellow   citizens   have   honored   me
or   I   am   capable   of   discharging
office   If   they   think   I   am   as   woll
shute   IIII
theird   d
I   shall   endeavor   to   visit   as   many
but   tho   tlmo   is   80   short   that   It   will
ny   of   thum   and   1   shall   therefore   be
generously   to   assist   me   In   making   t
AUMonts   Yinfi   iv   TIIUST   CAST
InIlH1C   Agreo   t9   File   AflMnvlU   n   s
Ikvptreilths   llIlIuurl
Jefferson   City   Mo   Sept   1   Tho
Armour   Packing   company   and   Ar
ono   r   Co   of   Chicago   after   ask -
ing   yesterday   to   file   modified   anti
trust   affidavits   with   the   secretary
of   state   and   being   refused   agreed
today   with   the   slate   department   tto
file   affidavits   In   regular   form   and
accompany   them   with   an   explanato
ry   letter   that   tho   affidavits   wore   sub -
ject   to   tho   decisions   of   United   Stales
courts   In   antitrust   proceedings   now
pending   against   thorn   tn   Arkansas
Tennessee   and   Chicago
Which   Will   Fever   Direct   11II   III   r -
ule   Do   Illinois   limber   Men
Sprlnijfiold   III   Sept   1   IWhen
Oho   Illinois   state   twentyfourth   an -
nual   convention   of   the   Illinois   State
Federation   of   Labor   convenes   In
Streator   October   15   the   decision
will   bo   made   whether   the   union   will
establish   a   now   political   partywhloh
If   formed   will   favor   direct   primary
vote   and   Initiative   and   referendum
And   Children   Who   Tried   to   Light
Fire   With   Oil   Died
Detroit   Mich   Sept   1   Anna
and   Blanche   Ignaslak   aged   13   and
4   years   reipectlfullywhn   wore   fright -
fully   burned   earlier   In   tho   day   by   tho
explosion   of   an   oil   can   which   they
were   using   to   light   tho   kitchen   fire
at   their   homo   In   West   WyanJotto
died   late   this   afternoon
a   y
rete   i1nl   Cff
Y   Ql
Paducah   Ky   1   August   29   nOtr
111   myself   at   a   candidate   tor   the   of
iubjoot   to   the   action   of   the   Demo
Ing   the   I   Importance   of   tho   office   andI
that   Kentucky   will   cheerfully   honorF
hai   striven   to   bo   honest   capable   and
a   Democrat   IA   I   known   throughoutthe
rer   called   upon   me   for   service   and
hour   or   uncertain   the   ronsQquuuces
Idnto   of   my   party   I   shall   IM   the   can
the   representative   of   any   faction
fortunate   as   to   bo   elected   I   shall
whole   people   of   my   beloved   state   1
the   duties   of   tho   office   conscientious
Uoular   to   protect   the   Interest   and   s
state   without   tear   or   favor   and   with
possiblemy   further   than   to
aged   In   tko   practice   or   law   ilncu
thorof   except   when   engaged   at   the
ging   tho   finites   of   olflces   with   which
and   It   Is   for   the   people   to   say   wheth
acceptably   tho   duties   of   this   high
qualified   and   deserving   ne   any   oilier
bo   glad   to   have   them   veto   ror   mo
decision   whatever   It   may   DC
counties   of   the   state   an   practicable
doubtless   bo   Impossible   to   reach   ma
compelled   to   ask   my   good   friends
tbo   canvass   Itospcctfully
MAY   UK   TOTAIi   LOSS   1i
Xi   >   Hope   That   Rlnindcd   Wner   WillI
Hi   IhIII   Ill   IN   Held   Out
Honolulu   Sept   1   That   the
steamship   Manchuria   stranded   near
tho   Island   of   Oahu   may   become   ft   tI
total   lots   Is   Indicated   by   the   stole
mont   of   Captain   John   Motcalf   rep   t
resenting   Lloyds   and   Captain   A   F
Board   of   Marino   underwriters   who
have   examined   the   craft   They   ar -
rived   here   yesterday   and   after   com
hog   ashore   from   the   wrccKed   boat
declined   to   say   that   ultimate   success
In   salving   operations   could   ho   ex
illtl   ENDS   L1KK   AS   MOTIIKU   DID
llody   Found   In   lUvif   Whew   Wonuui
Wn   Bulcldo   Fife   fears   Ago
St   Louis   Sept   3The   body   of
Bertha   IUey   12   years   oW   was   found   t
today   In   the   Mlislsslppl   river   nearI
whore   her   mother   commlttod   suicide   psis
tfive   years   ago   by   drowning   Apparent
ly   I   she   had   taken   her   own   life   Thegirl
frequently   had   run   away   from   home
her   reason   being   that   her   life   wan   uit
Yhappy   since   tho   death   of   her   mother   a
Dmifttiter   of   Swirliiry   of   Agriculture
SnlijiXt   of   Uejiort   In   NVnsliln   lon
Washington   Sept   3Vflrlous   rtrn   1
ports   have   been   heard   In   Washington
that   Miss   Flora   Wilson   daughter   of   j   t   f
Secretary   Wilson   Intended   to   go   upon   y
the   stage   She   Is   now   In   Europe   but
expects   soon   to   return   to   the   Unit   d
States   Secretary   Wilson   mate   no
comment   whatever   on   the   reports
t   J   G