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Home  >  Resources to Respond to 2008 Floods

2008 Flood Resources
Severe storms and Flooding struck Wisconsin beginning June 7 and 8, 2008, leaving in its wake damaged homes and businesses; damaged and destroyed crops; and people wondering how to handle it all.

Here are some resources for victims of the flooding and those helping them:



Home repairs and Cleanup

Keeping Food Safe During An Emergency
Flood or the loss of power can jeopardize the safety of your food. Knowing how to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe will help minimize the potential loss of food and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

Telephone numbers for information about:

Repair and rebuilding for consumers and contractors

Food safety

Farm financial and emotional counseling resources

Livestock and pets

Other agencies involved in flood response
Wisconsin Emergency Management
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
University of Wisconsin-Extension

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers 30-second PSAs
Stations, because flooding is a current public safety issue, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers 30-second PSAs on how your listeners can stay safe and cope with the problems and stresses of flooding. The advice, all approved by public health experts from HHS, covers points such as driving in flooded areas, keeping your children safe from flooding, avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning when power is out, and preventing mold. The PSAs tell people what they need to know during and after a flood, so they are for spot use.

The PSAs on the Web link below are to sound files in .MP3 format (male or female voices, and some in Spanish) as well as matching live-read texts. There are matching TV PSAs for many of these spots. They are available by contacting Ira Dreyfuss at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The email is ira.dreyfuss@hhs.gov, and the telephone number is (202) 401-5920.

Here is a link to the Web site where you can download the PSAs.

For more information contact:
202 720-4623




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