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About Extension

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UMass Extension addresses public concerns of high priority for the Commonwealth. Part of the national Cooperative Extension System, it sponsors statewide programs in Agriculture and Landscape, Natural Resources & Environmental Conservation, Communities, Families and Youth, Nutrition Education and the Massachusetts 4-H Program. These programs, often in partnerships with other organizations, offer research and educational opportunities including workshops, conferences, distance education, training events, consultations, and applied research.

The Extension Agriculture and Landscape Program works with agricultural producers, the green industry, governments, and citizens around issues of an environmentally sustainable, economically viable food system.

The Extension Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Program brings together scientists, natural resource professionals, conservationists, and educators to provide educational programs focused on natural resource conservation.

The Extension Nutrition Education Program works with low-income families, parenting teens, children and elderly at high risk of poverty, and professionals in agencies serving high need populations to improve health and nutritional status.

The Massachusetts 4-H Program, a community-based and supported program of UMass Extension, builds the strengths of youth, ages five to eighteen. 4-H provides them with support and resources to gain important life skills (such as self-esteem, citizen ship and leadership) through learning about animal science, gaining communications skills (such as public speaking) and carrying out community service work.