University of Massachusetts Amherst

Site Policies

Except as noted, the information below applies to University of Massachusetts Amherst Web sites, consisting of designated Web pages or publications of the university, its schools, colleges, departments, administrative offices, divisions, certain registered student organizations, and other units, as well as to the campus home page, or Gateway, at

You may also find within the University of Massachusetts domain— signified by the address ""—personal Web pages or publications created and maintained by university faculty, staff, students, student organizations and others for which neither the University of Massachusetts nor the Amherst campus is responsible for the content and administration. These pages and their content, including but not limited to factual statements and opinions, are the sole responsibility of their creators and do not represent, explicitly or implicitly, positions, policies or opinions of UMass Amherst. Although the university encourages compliance with all policies and practices at such Web sites, the university serves only as a provider of Internet-related services in these cases.

All text, images, logos and information contained on UMass Amherst Web sites that is the intellectual property of UMass Amherst gives the owner exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or license a given work. Whether or not a Web site includes a statement about copyright, the U.S. copyright act provides protection for such works, and they may not be used or reproduced without permission.

It is the responsibility of all parties storing materials on Web sites with UMass Amherst domain addresses to ensure that such material does not violate other parties' proprietary rights and does not otherwise violate law or applicable University policy. UMass Amherst reserves the right to delete or make inaccessible files that contain material that is in violation of law or of applicable campus or University policy.

UMass Amherst is not responsible for any errors in the material provided on the Web and shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of any material found any UMass Amherst sites or on any other sites with domain addresses.

The design, pictures, and logos used on Web sites directly managed by University Advancement Communications may not be copied and used or posted by any other person or entity, including other units/offices at the University of Massachusetts. This includes but is not limited to the University's Home Page (, and all pages within the Gateway site, signified as those pages beginning with the Web address

Links may be directed to these pages, but images, logos, maps, may not be copied and/or posted for any reason.

Logos, Designs, and Trademarks

Unless otherwise indicated, all service marks, trademarks, trade names and copyrights appearing on this site are owned or licensed by UMass Amherst including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, renderings and photographic images.

You may not use any service mark, trademark, trade name, logo or copyrighted materials from this site for any commercial purpose without the permission of the UMass Amherst. This includes use of the university's marks on any commercial Web site. The university has invested a great deal of time, money and effort in the development, promotion and use of these service marks, trademarks, names, copyrights and logos. As a result, the UMass Amherst has gained a high level of public recognition worldwide and extensive goodwill and we must be vigilant in protecting these valuable University assets against any unauthorized use.

If you wish to apply for permission to use the University's marks for a commercial site or venture, please contact the University of Massachusetts Licensing Office at (413) 577-0125. Also see the Trademark and Licensing Guidelines for the UMass System. (PDF)

UMass Amherst Graphic Identity

The Graphic Identity program offers details on using the UMass Amherst seal, wordmark, and logos, and includes downloadable graphics and website templates.

Privacy Policy

UMass Amherst is committed to preserving and maintaining the privacy of visitors to its Web sites.

When you access the UMass Amherst Home Page (, and all pages within the Gateway site, signified as those pages beginning with the Web address, your visit is not tracked by individual name or any other identifiable mark.

Some computer information and automatic and optional information is collected. Automatic information includes:

Optional information is collected only if you choose to send it. For example if you choose to complete an online form, make an online purchase, or send an e-mail. This may include:

The Development Office Privacy Policy and Donor Bill of Rights explains the specific policy regarding information collected by individuals making donations to UMass Amherst.

OIT Policies

UMass Amherst's Office of Information Techologies (OIT) establishes, monitors and enforces policies for use of university computing and information technology resources which include, but are not limited to, equipment, software, networks, data, and telephones whether owned, leased, or otherwise provided. This includes policies for:

See OIT Policies for complete details.

About this Site

The UMass Amherst Gateway Web site is produced by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Advancement Communications Web Development Group. Submit comments and suggestions by form or call Nina Sossen at 413-577-4741.