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Laboratory owners and operators rarely know how their building operating costs compare to similar facilities. Energy Benchmarking allows laboratory owners to compare the performance of their laboratory facilities to similar facilities and thereby help identify potential energy cost savings opportunities.

The Labs21 Energy Benchmarking ToolExit is a Web-based database tool that contains energy use information from dozens of laboratory facilities. It allows users to benchmark energy performance in terms of whole-building metrics (e.g., BTU/sf-yr) as well as system-level metrics (e.g., ventilation W/cfm).

For more information on the benchmarking tool and its principles, see this conference paper: Rating Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Laboratories (Adobe PDF. Click for more information. 13 pp., 372 KB, about PDF).

For more information, contact:

Paul Mathew
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Phone: 510 486-5116
Fax: 510 486-4089

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