Department of Agriculture
School of Graduate Studies

The Master of Science in Agriculture with its three options is designed to accommodate the demands and needs of students and those people who employ students. Students are able to pursue the Master of Science in Agriculture degree in Animal Science, Agronomy, and Agricultural Economics.

I.   Required Courses....................................................12 hours
     AE 510 Resource Development..............................3 hours
     AE 520 Advanced Farm Organization and
               Management.....................................3 hours
     AE 525 Advanced Farm Marketing...........................3 hours
     ED 514 Methods of Educational Research...................3 hours

II.  Electives to be chosen by student under supervision 
     and approval of his or her Advisor..................................21 hours

     AE 438 Research in Agricultural Economics................3 hours
     AE 463 Agricultural Statistics...........................3 hours
     AE 475 Production Economics..............................3 hours
     AE 511 Theory of Aggregative Demand and Supply
               for Agricultural Products......................3 hours
     AE 580 Organization and Operation of Cooperatives
               for Limited Resource People....................3 hours
     AE 601 Special Problems in Agricultural
               Economics......................................3 hours
     AN 515 Advanced Principles and Philosophy of
               Vocational Education...........................3 hours
     AN 500 Administration of Agricultural Education..........3 hours
     AN 510 Agricultural Education Media......................3 hours
     AG 518 Special Problems in Agricultural Mechanics........3 hours
     AG 577 Advanced Farm Power and Machinery.................3 hours
     EC 501 Advanced Microeconomics...........................3 hours
     EC 502 Advanced Macroeconomics...........................3 hours
     EC 520 Comparative Economic Systems......................3 hours
     EC 530 Economic Security and Social Welfare..............3 hours
     PH 504 Educational and Psychological Statistics..........3 hours

            Total required for a Master of Science
            in Agriculture Degree.......................................33 hours