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Fencing Information 

Woven Wire Fence- To best utilize this fence, it needs to have a brace that uses two 8-inch diameter posts and a 4-inch diameter cross brace at each end.  Posts between braces should be steel "T" posts alternated with 4-inch diameter pressure treated wood posts.  All posts are spread 12 feet apart with one strand of barbed wire at the top.

Barbed Wire Fence- This fence is similar to the woven wire fence, the exception to this is that five strands of barb wire are used instead of the woven wire and single barbed wire fence.  

High Tensile (non electric) Eight strands of 12.5-gauge High Tensile Wire are used on 4 inch treated wooden posts spaced 20 feet apart.  To brace this fence use 3- 8 inch posts and 2-4 inch cross brace posts.  Tension can be taken care of by using springs and ratchets.  To save 4 cents per foot, posts can be spaced 30 feet with 2 stay rods placed in between posts. 

High Tensile (electric) Use five strands of 12.5 gauge high tensile fence for this fence.  3 alternating wires will be electrified and the other 2 will be grounded wires.  Brace corners and wire tension are the same as the High Tensile (non electric) Fence.  Steel "T" posts spaced 25 feet apart are used on this fence.  

Electric fence at Feldun-Purdue Agriculture Reseach Center


Estimated Costs For Livestock Fencing, Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service, 1999



For more forage information contact Dr. Keith Johnson: johnsonk@purdue.edu

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