Welcome to the Albatross Project!

Wake Forest University 

791,974 albatross biologists have visited this website.

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Tip area

Albatrosses at Work
The Scientific Problem
Kids Using Satellites
The Research Team
The Galapagos Study
The Hawaii Study 
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Now featuring

Click the links on the left to get information about albatrosses. There you can also see scientific studies done by kids from all over the world with scientists to track ocean-going albatrosses in Hawaii and the Galapagos Islands!!! 

Now we are studying the endangered
Short-tailed Albatross. This bird nests on an island near Japan, and we are using satellites to follow them on their feeding trips in the Pacific Ocean to find out where they go. Click here to join us in that study!

Teachers!  Download Class Activities and Lesson Plans!

What's new?   Birds on Monster Trips!!  Be Afraid of Sharks!  What eats albatrosses?  SHARKS!!

About the Site

Media Contacts

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Maps for marking bird locations!
Size yourself up to an albatross!
The Flight Distance Calculator!!!

(awards and stuff)

The Albatross Project

Today is Wednesday, May 6, 2009. This page was last modified on Friday, 16-Sep-05 14:00:01