Leicester Longwool Breeders Association


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  adult Leicester Longwools




Leicester Longwool yearling eweAt "Dishley Grange" farm in  Leicestershire, England, visitors today can still see signs of the innovative farming techniques of a pioneering 18th century farmer named Robert Bakewell. Recognizing that with selective breeding he could make changes over time to the traits of his livestock, he made profound improvements to hogs, horses and his prized longhorn cattle. But his triumph was the Leicester Longwool sheep, which has since played a vital role in the development of many of our familiar modern sheep breeds.

A large framed, dual-purpose sheep carrying a heavy long-stapled fleece, the Leicester Longwool is a sturdy, efficient and adaptable breed. Making good use of marginal forages they can thrive in a wide variety of climatic conditions. Rams average 250 lbs, and ewes 180 lbs. Ewes are good mothers giving plenty of rich milk, with a lambing percentage of 120-150% and higher in selected flocks.

Founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both had large flocks of sheep and took pains to bring in good Leicester rams from England to improve their stock.

World travelers, Leicester Longwools have been exported to mainland Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. In 1826 the Leicester Longwool was one of the first pure breeds to be imported into Australia. Today it is known there as the "English Leicester," and is valued as a crossing sire to improve the carcass qualities of finewool breeds.

During the late 19th and early 20th century the Leicester gradually fell out of favor as it was replaced by newer breeds. By the 1930's it was nearly extinct in North America. Today it's classified as "rare" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, but is enjoying a revival of interest due to the wonderful lustrous fleece and other desirable traits.

We are dedicated to preserving this priceless foundation breed for future generations of shepherds.


Leicester Longwool Sheep
Breeders Association (LLSBA)
RT. 1, Box 172B
Albright, WV 26519


Fleece Characteristics

The breed is generally white but colored sheep occur and can range from black to "English Blue" (deep gray to silver). The fleece is long, curly, lustrous and heavy, with staple lengths from 8 to 14 inches.

It is high-yielding and stylish with well-defined crimp. Generally softer and somewhat finer than Lincoln or Cotswold, it's highly valued by handspinners and weavers for its handle and beautiful dye acceptance.

Leicester fleece, showing lock structure

Leicester Longwool fleece

Photo courtesy of New Zealand Sheep Breeders Association

The wool is also useful in the clothing industry for its strength and sheen, producing heavy woolens of superior quality. The familiar  "worsted" fabric—smooth, hard-wearing and elegant—has been produced from longwool sheep since the Middle Ages.




©2003-2007 Leicester Longwool Sheep Breeders Association
website by Double J

updated 4 Apr 2007