
One way to support transformation of the economy into eco-friendly directions is through investing in eco technologies and industries. Post examples here.

Tags: eco, green, investing, responsible, socially, technology

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A solar ETF was recently launched with the ticker 'TAN' which allows the eco investor to invest in many solar companies at once.

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This morning, opening bell at the stock market was rung by a newer Wind Energy ETF, ticker appropriately is called FAN. Will study this one.

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Jim Cramer of CNBC's Mad Money today was very excited about the future of green companies, in particular Wind and Solar. He's expecting massive focus to come this direction with future changes in congress and the white house.

In case you never heard of him, here is a clip when he forecast the coming credit collapse exactly one year ago:

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Carbon trading.

Today on CNBC, the cable business channel which covers the stock markets, there was a feature on the future of carbon trading. One analyst predicted this will become a major asset area for the markets.

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I am trying to get nominations for my project "Self Sufficient Homes".
The project would be sponsored by "American Express" if it gets chosen.
I would like Earthships to be built as they use nature for all there power.
They are built with recycled material also.

Please support a project for Earthships. Sponsored by American Express, by clicking the website link below.
You have to log on or be a guest.
Tell your fiends also, so we can see more Earthships built.

Here's the link for the Earthship website
Earthship Biotecture

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