
Do you know some great places for environmentally friendly and effective education. Please share them with the community.

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Actually, I will be an incoming freshman to Green Mountain College located in Poultney, Vermont. It's a small environmental liberal arts college. Even the applications they sent to me in the mail are made of post-consumer recycled material. I recently visited the college on July 10 through the 15th and they live up to their name. Visit their website at

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Outstanding! Thank you for sharing that info..

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This is going to sound like I joined simply to promote Extension, but that's not true at all. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago and didn't know about Extension until I started my Masters program at the University of Florida. I think it's a cool concept and have found it surprisingly helpful and usually free!

The simplest definition of Extension I can offer is that it is the public outreach component of land grant universities that is meant to connect the public with the information and research going on at these universities.

Try looking into the information and services your local county extension office offers. Extension is not just cows and plows anymore. Many states have a lot of information online from their land grant university. Go to and click on your state to see what information you can find.

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Hi Katie,

Thanks for the plug....We agree with what you say about Extension. Our office offers many continuing education training classes as we are part of the larger New Jersey Extension Unit.

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Well, there are numerous resources out there that teach about eco education and quite a bit about lessons and curriculum. KidWind Project is a group that promotes renewable education and science education, although this group is not generally focused on "eco education", I believe it to be important to teach possible resolutions to bring eco activist and current industry together. A great way to promote this mode of environmentally friendly thinking is to instill this belief into our youth and making this available to them, through schools, community and home education. Check out to find innovative renewable energy teaching lessons and curriculum.

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Arizona State University is the first school in the country to have a School of Sustainability. ASU's campus is also one of the most environmentally friendly nationwide. ASU's president attended Sustainable Summit in DC and spoke about..." addressed such issues as automobile fuel efficiency and alternative energy sources, waste reduction, water quality, global carbon emissions, and the role that government, industry and individuals can – and should – play in that effort."

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Legacy, Partners in EE is a great resource for people in Alabama. They have great teacher workshops and materials.
I have created a website that lists books for teaching natural science and environmental education.
The website could be helpful to people who are working with children's programs.

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I have found the local library a place I can use. By using the library I can use the same books and/or computers and gather the information I need for presentations or papers. this saves huge amounts of energy and paper. I email the information to myself so not to waste resources.

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Does anybody know of a thorough geo-portal that goes deep with global environmental education links?

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Wildlife Conservation Network provides scholarship grants for graduate education and applied training to students from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America who are committed to working on wildlife conservation in their home countries.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has the first sustainability degree in the U.S. Europe has more than 70 universities that offer degrees in sustainability, but in the U.S. there is just UofW.

Twelve college campuses in California are leading the way towards campus sustainability by bridging the divide between students and institutional energy costs.

I report regularly on these kind of eco ed. opps at my social network: --

Come join us to stay informed. I'm putting together a geo-portal on green education, which might be of assistance to you as well.

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I actually don't know of very many places that are environmentally friendly. I hope to find some while being a part of this group. I could probably safely assume that UCF environmental engineering department is evironmentally friendly.

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I notice that many of you are interested in pursuing an environmental jobs. I want to direct you to Rutgers University NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education training programs. We offer continuing education training and certification in a variety of environmental areas enabling you to pursue careers such as Golf Course Superintendent, Wetland Delineator, Public Health officer and more.

We offer courses in Wetlands, Water and Wastewater Management, Geomatics, Recycling & Solid Waste and more.

Have you ever thought about a career in Public Health? We also offer a 12 Week Environmental Public Health Course.

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