
What's your favorite eco read? Please share it with the community.

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Ok, so this posting doesn't concern a book about eco things, but rather a way to get your favorite classic books in an eco way.
this site allows you to download books onto your computer or PDF for free they have everything from Shakespeare to Mark Twain. They also have audio books and fairy tales, ect..
I just thought I'd mention it

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I have a website that I created for Children's Literature that you can use to jump start a discussion on science topics like water, plants, pollution, animals, habitats and Earth Day.

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Hi there,

This isn't a book either, but a video contains some interesting information on the Green Economy:

I'm an intern with the nonprofit internet/satellite TV station LinkTV, which produces interesting news, documentaries, and music videos with a global focus. Global Pulse is a weekly show that shows how news shows around the world are covering a certain issue - this week it's Obama's Green Economy stimulus plan and how other countries are doing the same.

Check out our blog too at:

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Thanks for sharing this on the site. We are big fans of LinkTV and love what you do... Keep up the good work.

eco.ORG Team...

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