Medicine | Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health | Veterinary | Biological Sciences | Agriculture, Food and Forestry
BioethicsWeb | MedHist | Psci-com

Support materials

Helping students and staff to make more intelligent use of the Web.

We offer a range of free support materials for staff in universities and colleges to use to help raise the standard of Internet research and information literacy in their own institutions. You are welcome, with correct accreditation, to copy or adapt these materials for educational purposes.


A promotional flier to help raise awareness of the new Intute services among your students and staff. UK lecturers and librarians are invited to order fliers via the Intute HelpDesk.


Free Intute posters are available in PDF for you to download and print – ideal for use on university department and library notice boards.


A simple worksheet that helps you discover the best of the Web using Intute services. Ideal for use in course materials, hands-on teaching sessions or self-directed learning:

Quick Guide to Intute: Health and Life Sciences (MS Word) *This document is currently under revision*


A quick presentation for use in teaching and training - lecturers, librarians and trainers are welcome to adapt this for local use:

Introducing Intute: Health and Life Sciences (MS Powerpoint)

Subject Booklets

We publish a series of short booklets that provide details of some of the most useful Internet resources for different subject. The booklets are available in print (limited stock) and in electronic form. For more information about the booklets and access to the electronic versions, please visit our Booklets page.

Titles published so far are:

  • Internet resources for biological sciences [March 2008]
  • Internet resources for pregnancy and childbirth [March 2008]
  • Internet resources for animal health [March 2007]
  • Internet resources for physiotherapy and orthopaedics [March 2007]
  • Internet resources for agriculture, food and forestry [July 2006]
  • Internet resources for healthcare and medicine [July 2006]

Booklets are currently being distributed. UK lecturers and librarians are invited to order print copies via the Intute Health and Life Sciences Help Desk (while stocks last) or to make copies of the online versions.

Focus On...

Guides providing useful, detailed and high quality sources of information, for students in Higher and Further Education, in the following areas:

Biodiversity and Conservation
Organic Farming and Agriculture

Other Intute Support Materials

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