Medicine | Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health | Veterinary | Biological Sciences | Agriculture, Food and Forestry
BioethicsWeb | MedHist | Psci-com

A-Z of Services

A list of additional services offered by Intute: Health and Life Sciences.

Search the ePrints repository.

If your search of the main Intute database doesn't provide you with enough results, you may wish to try the Intute Harvester. This is a much larger database than the core catalogue, but is of lesser quality.

Hot Topics
Each month a member of the Intute: Health and Life Sciences team will choose a subject area of interest and provide links to key sites in our database for that topic.

A project is underway to transition INFORMS to Intute.

Intute Include
A more sophisticated Intute search engine for your site or service.

Intute Lite
A simple way to include Intute search functionality in your website.

Create your own account with us and save searches and records, export data and receive alerts.

News items and press releases from Intute, together with the Newsround service, a search interface to thousands of topical news items, sourced from hundreds of global news services; search across both news and jobs items.

RSS news channels
View the range of RSS channels offered by Intute; these may be freely used in your site, service or desktop reader.

Seminars and events
Lists of forthcoming events and seminars.

A selection of notable events from prehistoric times to the present, broken down into separate subject areas and themes. Each timeline contains dozens of key events which have shaped the world as we know it, together with suggested searches for further information.

Virtual Training Suites
Intute VTS is a set of free online tutorials designed to help students, lecturers and researchers improve their Internet information literacy and IT skills.

Wellcome Trust gateways and databases

Z39.50 target
Use the Intute Z39.50 target in your cross-search tools.