U of A University of Arkansas Division of AgriculturePictures of chickens, flowers, wheat, a boy looking through a magnifying glass, irrigation pipe, soybean pods, and fruits and vegetables.

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Policy Updates

Summary: Changes in Policies are listed with the most recently changed Policy first.

MAJOR CHANGES are policy changes or procedural changes.

MINOR CHANGES are typographical or word changes.

2007 | 2008



C.E.S.P. 1-19: Personnel - Annual Performance Evaluation: Classified Employees


January 13, 2009

Policy C.E.S.P. 1-19
Summary Removed because the first year of the new classified employee performance evaluation cycle is completed.

C.E.S.P. 1-67: Personnel - Awards - Cooperative Extension Service: Employee of the Quarter


January 13, 2009

Policy C.E.S.P. 1-67
Summary Updated: Dates to reflect due dates for 2009.

C.E.S.P. 1-62: Personnel - Employment Procedures: Hiring Policies


January 7, 2009

Policy C.E.S.P. 1-62
Summary Added:
Former State Service

Hiring supervisors should review applications for former state service.  Such service may affect both the salary offer and an employee’s merit increase eligibility date.  If an applicant with former state service is going to be recommended for hire, the supervisor should contact the Employment  Manager for direction.


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© 2006
University of Arkansas
Division of Agriculture
All rights reserved.
Last Date Modified 01/07/2009

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 South University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 • USA
Phone (501) 671-2000 • Fax (501) 671-2209
