
Tough January emerging: Vitoria Saddi, senior economist with RGE Monitor, explains why emerging markets such as Brazil, India, Russia and China are likely to remain under pressure in January Watch.

Trouble ahead: Ron Ianieri, chief market strategist at Options University, talks about the biggest challenges facing the economy in 2009 and why he doesn't think we've seen a bottom.
Hoping for the best 
Hugh Johnson, chairman of Johnson Illington Advisors, says we're getting closer to the start of a recovery. He says the new administration will be a fresh start.

January's secret  
Strategist Jim Paulsen at Wells Capital Management says the secret for January is to help unfreeze the panic in the healthy economic players who have jobs and businesses; to persuade them that it's safe to go out and spend some money again.


2008 performance
S&P 500-38%Nat. gas-25%
Best stockWal-Mart (WMT)+18%
Worst stockGeneral Motors (GM)-87%
Best stockVertex Pharma (VRTX)+31%
Worst stockFocus Media (FMCN)-84%

After a tumultuous and sometimes painful year, most of us are glad to see the close of 2008. Our experts offer 13 ways to put last year in the past and gear up for a profitable 2009.

Sifting through the wreckage
Infrastructure, pharmaceuticals and China show signs of life, says Michael Ashbaugh.

Prescription for a bear market rally
Michael Kahn argues that there is still more healing to come, but it might be prudent to play it safe and leave some profit on the table.

January Effect vs. the January Barometer
The month's impact on small-cap outperformance may be muted, says Jeffrey Hirsch.

Hail to the markets
Don't expect the inauguration effect to dictate the market's swing this month, Mark Hulbert writes.

January rebound
Robert Maltbie offers three picks in educational travel, distribution, and maritime transport.

Gain some ground
January might see a thaw with the new administration, says Jim Lowell. He suggests ETFs in mid- and small-caps, natural gas and agriculture.

The new financial horizon
Joe Clark welcomes the new year and says corporate bonds, China, Brazil and Japan are work exploring.

Three funds for the new year
Adam Bold suggests three steady funds to help investors participate in the market rebound.

Be patient
Shorting U.S. Treasurys through an ETF is the way to play in January, Thomas Kee advises.

What do you say?
What are your strategies for getting through these tough times? Where can investors find good opportunities this month? Talk about it in the MarketWatch Community section.
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