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NC A&T Natural Resources and Environmental Design


What is Horticulture?

Horticulture – the art and science of growing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants – is closely associated with the history of mankind. Agriculture is a broad term referring to the technology of raising plants and animals. Horticulture is that part of agriculture concerned with so-called “garden crops.”

The word horticulture is derived from the Latin hortus , garden, and colere, to cultivate. A very large number of plants are considered horticultural crops. Garden crops traditionally included fruits, vegetables, and all the plants grown as ornamentals, as well as spices and medicinals. In general, horticultural crops are intensively managed, warranting a high dollar value.

You might be a budding horticulturist if:

  • You are interested in plants and how they grow.
  • Have a gift for growing plants.
  • Are concerned about the environment.
  • Want to make the world more beautiful.
  • Want to improve plants




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