Wisconsin State Herbarium


University of  Wisconsin - Madison  


Vascular Plants

WISCOMP Database


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Web Site Information

Web Structure and Navigation
Distribution Maps - Data Sources
Wisconsin Map with County Names
Photograph Credits
Copyright  and Disclaimer


This site contains information on Wisconsin's lichens as detailed in John W. Thomson's Lichens of Wisconsin.

Web Structure- There are 2 levels of generated data pages.

The first is a listing of all taxa that meet the search criteria or a browse selection. Wild cards are added as noted on the search page's instruction. The resulting listing contains the full scientific name of each taxon in genus name order followed by the taxon's common name(s) and any synonyms. This links to each taxon's detail page.

The second page is a detail of the selected taxon showing its full scientific name, common name(s), growth form, photobiont(s), substrate(s), synonyms, and proposed status in Wisconsin. Also when available, there is a main photograph, thumbnails (click for full-sized photo) of more photographs, distribution maps including a thumbnail highlighting counties of specimen collections, detailed dots maps from Lichens of Wisconsin, and additional information including links and photograph references to Lichens of North America. The detail pages will be updated with additional information and photographs. There are also "detail" pages for each genus with multiple species showing a thumbnail gallery of either photographs or maps for easy comparison. 

Other features include a News Events page which highlights significant lichenological events in Wisconsin, a web site word search, and an extensive links page to other related sites all accessible from the home page.

Web Navigation -To navigate this site there are both search and browse buttons.

The search button allows a text search  by one or more of these fields: genus, species, and/or common name. The  result is a listing of all taxa meeting the search criteria. See search page for wild card instructions.
The browse buttons are a listing of all names in each category. By clicking on a name in the list, the site returns a listing of all taxa containing that name. In either case, click on a specific taxon in the resulting list to link to its detail page.

Links are available from the home page for the other features mentioned above.

Distribution Maps

Hand generated Maps - The Lichens of Wisconsin

These maps are based on specimen records collected by John W. Thomson from WIS and many other herbaria. The dots were placed on the maps by hand at exact localities cited on specimen labels or shown on manuscript maps. The on-line maps will continue to be periodically updated. 

Thumbnail Maps

These maps are generated from a county-level database based on the hand generated maps of Lichens of Wisconsin. As more collections are made in the state, the county records will be updated. It is important for one to access the detail maps found to the right of the thumbnail map to best understand the taxon's distribution in Wisconsin.


 These data and maps are copyrighted to the Wisconsin State Herbarium - University of Wisconsin-Madison (WIS).  The Herbarium shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of all rights, title, and interest in and to all specifically copyrighted information created and posted for inclusion in this system. Use and reproduction of these data and/or maps is authorized for educational or other noncommercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder but acknowledgment must be given to the Wisconsin State Herbarium.  Use or reproduction of the data and/or maps for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holders. Please e-mail the Herbarium's web master (mawetter@facstaff.wisc.edu) for permission requests. See Photographer Information for permission to use images.


Although the Wisconsin State Herbarium - University of Wisconsin-Madison (WIS) makes every attempt to ensure that the information contained in its databases is correct, it assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions in these data sets. Neither the Herbarium nor any of its employees shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's uses of the information. WIS will not be held responsible for any consequence of the use or misuse of these data by any individual or organization. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the publication(s).  If you have obtained data from an outside agency based on UW-Madison Herbarium's holdings, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution.  Data can also quickly become out-of-date.  If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them to the Herbarium's web master (mawetter@facstaff.wisc.edu ).


Please send any corrections or comments to either Marie Trest (mttrest@students.wisc.edu) or Merel Black, database manager (mblack@facstaff.wisc.edu).


Vascular Plants

WISCOMP Database


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