Kentucky State University

Coop Extension Program

A portion of the Kentucky State University Mission Statement (1993) reads: "Kentucky State University, as the 1890 land-grant institution in the system, shall carry out its responsibilities under federal law and participate fully in the appropriate U.S. Department of Agriculture programs, in accord with the mission of the University." The extension portion of the Land-Grant Program is called the Cooperative Extension Program (CEP). The name reflects the mission of the program, which is to help resolve agricultural, educational, economic, and social problems of the people of Kentucky, especially those with limited resources living in rural communities.Program Areas

CEP fulfills its mission by conducting training and education in the following areas: Family and Consumer Sciences, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Community Resource Development. Personnel and resources are distributed among the program areas to achieve the best balance of addressing the perceived research needs of the state and nation, while making maximum use of available facilities.


The Cooperative Extension Facility (1992) houses the offices and communications facilities of CEP, and serves as the hub for program activities. Augmenting this facility is the 203-acre Research and Demonstration Farm (1986). A field laboratory and meeting facility was added to the farm in 1989, and the greenhouse was completed in 1993. The farm is designed to serve as a demonstration site for educational programs.


  • Dr. Harold Benson Extension Administrator
  • Noland Williams Assoc. Extension Administrator