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Radiological Monitoring of Plants and Animals

Game animals and plants are sampled annually from known contaminated sites on the NTS to estimate hypothetical doses to hunters (i.e., the public) and determine if NTS plants and animals themselves are exposed to radiation levels harmful to their populations.

Radiological Biota Monitoring Goals Analytes Measured in Plant and Animal Tissues
Determine if the potential dose to humans consuming game animals from the NTS is less than 100 millirems per year (mrem/yr), the limit set by DOE Order 5400.5 Americium (241Am)
Cesium (137Cs)
Tritium (3H)
Plutonium (239+240Pu)
Strontium (90Sr)
Uranium isotopes
Determine if the absorbed radiation dose to NTS biota is less than the following limits set by DOE Order 5400.5 and DOE Standard DOE-STD-1153-2002:
  < 1 rad/day for terrestrial plants and aquatic animals
  < 0.1 rad/day for terrestrial animals

NTS sites having the highest known concentrations of radionuclides in soil and surface water, and sites having relatively high densities of candidate game animals are sampled. Five such sites [PDF icon PDF, 15 MB] are monitored; each site is sampled at least once every five years. A control site for each contaminated site has similar biological and physical features. Control sites are sampled to document radionuclide levels representative of background.

The methods and results of tissue analyses for NTS game animals sampled most recently on the NTS can be found in Chapter 7 of the most currently published Nevada Test Site Environmental Report [PDF icon  PDF, 15 MB].

The calculated potential radiological dose to a hunter consuming NTS game animals can be found in Chapter 8 of the most currently published Nevada Test Site Environmental Report [PDF icon  PDF, 15 MB].

Refer to Evaluating Radiological Dose Rates to NTS Plants and Animals for more information.

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Date Last Modified: October 30, 2008