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Evaluating Radiological Dose Rates to NTS Plants and Animals

Chukar bird at the Nevada Test SiteNNSA evaluates the radiological dose to plants, aquatic animals, and land animals on the NTS which may be exposed to radiation from past or present site operations. This evaluation is done by using both current and historical routine environmental monitoring data collected on the NTS. DOE Standard 1153-2002, “A Graded Approach for Evaluating Radiation Doses to Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota,” was developed by DOE’s Biota Dose Assessment Committee to assist in such evaluations at all DOE sites.

The DOE has established dose limits for plants and wildlife. They are the maximum dose rates that are expected to have no direct, observable effect on plant or animal reproduction. These limits are:

Dose limit for plants = 1 rad/day
Dose limit for aquatic animals = 1 rad/day
Dose limit for land animals = 0.1 rad/day

Dose evaluations are based on the concentrations of radionuclides in soil, water, and sediment of known contaminated habitats and on plant and animal distributions within those habitats. Initial evaluations indicate that plants and animals on the NTS are not expected to be exposed to radiation doses harmful to their populations. However, the initial dose evaluation conducted for plants and animals in the contaminated area around Sedan, a legacy Plowshare site in northwest Yucca Flat, indicated that further dose assessment is necessary.

Field collections of plants and animals and analysis of their tissues for radionuclides are performed annually to augment the dose evaluation results based on soil, water, and sediment concentration data. At Sedan, plant samples have been collected and analyzed for radionuclides. The results suggest that plants around Sedan receive doses less than the upper limit of 1 rad/day.

Work continues on identifying and sampling plant and animal populations in contaminated habitats of the NTS. The work goals are to verify the dose evaluations based on existing soil, water, and sediment data and identify those populations that may be receiving higher, harmful dose rates.

The methods and results of NTS plant and animal dose evaluation activities can be found in the most currently published Nevada Test Site Environmental Report [PDF icon  PDF, 9 MB].

Refer to Radiological Monitoring of Plants and Animals for more information

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Date Last Modified: October 30, 2008