eConf - Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive

How to Cite

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How to Cite an eConf Proceedings

The basic difference between an eConf proceedings and a traditional print-published proceedings is the publishing statement known in the trade as the 'imprint'. For a book, one gives, e.g., '(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990)'.  For an eConf, this would be replaced by 'eConf C000821 (2000)' showing the conference number and year.


Proceedings of the 20th International Linac Conference, Monterey, 2000, edited by A. Chao, eConf C000821 (2000).

Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium On Lepton and Photon Interactions at High-Energies (LP 99), Stanford, 1999, edited by J. A. Jaros and M. E. Peskin, eConf C990809 (2000).

How to Cite an Article in eConf 

If an article is published in an eConf proceedings, use the basic eConf citation structure above and add the individual paper's starting page number or assigned paper status number (PSN) after the conference number (American style), or after the conference year (European style). When a proceedings is not paginated consecutively, there will be no beginning page number cited, only the unique PSN number.

Example: (American Style)

[Author name], in Proceedings of the [Conference name, location, year held], edited by [Editor's name], eConf C[xxxxxx], [Article's number or beginning page] ([publication year]).

S. Kashiwagi, M. Washio, X. J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, V. Yakimenko, in Proceedings of the 20th International Linac Conference, Monterey, 2000, edited by A. Chao, eConf C000821, MOC03 (2000).

Example: (European Style)

[Author name], in Proceedings of the [Conference name, location, year held], edited by [Editor's name], eConf C[xxxxxx] ([publication year]) [Article's number or beginning page].

S. Kashiwagi, M. Washio, X. J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, V. Yakimenko, in Proceedings of the 20th International Linac Conference, Monterey, 2000, edited by A. Chao, eConf C000821 (2000) MOC03.

Citing an Article in eConf with the eprint Number

If an article in an eConf proceedings has also been submitted as the eprint arXiv, include the eprint number in brackets after the year (American style) or after the page/paper number (European style). 


[Author name], in Proceedings of the [Conference name, location, year held], edited by [Editor's name], eConf C[xxxxxx], [Article's number or beginning page] ([publication year]) [arch-ive/yymmnnn].

M. Medinnis, in Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium On Lepton And Photon Interactions At High-Energies (LP99), Stanford, 1999, edited by J. A. Jaros and M. E. Peskin, eConf C990809, 35 (2000) [hep-ex/9912037].

Web Searches for Proceedings and Citations

Specific eConf proceedings can easily be found by inserting the appropriate eConf number into the following URL:[Cnumber]/proceedings.html


Citations are listed on the full-text proceedings and are linked to the SPIRES-HEP database. Authors can select a given citation link and then cut and paste the TeX formatted citation into their work.


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Content updated by: west
26 October 2001