SSSAJ Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
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Sally D. Logsdon, editor-in-chief
D.D. Myrold, editor

G. Wilson (Div. S-1)
S.R. Goldberg (Div. S-2)
S.C.Hart (Div. S-3, S-7)
T.L. Thompson (Div. S-4, S-8)
P.A. McDaniel (Div. S-5, S-9, S-10)
S.M. Dabney (Div. S-6)
B.C. Si (media review)

M.A. Arthur, R.L. Baumhardt, H. Blanco-Canqui, D. Brown, M.A. Cavigelli, T.J. Clough, J.R. Davenport, H.M. Dion, W. Durner, M.E. Essington, A. Fares, T.P.K. Ferre, S. Gao, H.H. Gerke, D. Gimenez, P.R. Grossl, N.C. Hansen, P.A. Holden, T.A. Howell, T.C. Kaspar, Q. Ketterings, R. Khosla, R.T. Koenig, B.D. Lee,R.D. Lentz, G. Levy A. Leytem, D.J. Lowe, M.A. Mayes, C.S. Morgan, P.P. Motavalli, B. Needleman, A. Nemes, K. Noborio, T.A. Obreza, T. Oschner, A.T. O'Geen, S. Overby, N.P. Qafoku, S. Quideau, C. Reddy, T. Ren, P.C. Scharf, W.F. Schillinger, L.A. Schipper, A. Schlegel, T.E. Schumacher, GD.A. Scott, N. Slaton, J. Smith, J.M. Stark, D.J. Strawn, M.E. Stromberger, C.W. Swanston, R.W. Taylor, O. Wendroth, T.O. West, J.R. White, M. Young, H. Zhang, X.-C. Zhang

Ellen G.M. Bergfeld, chief executive officer
Frances Katz, director of publications
Rebecca Funck, managing editor - (rfunck{at}

Soil Science Society of America Journal (ISSN 0361-5995 print; ISSN 1435-0661 online) is published bimonthly by the Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, WI, and at additional mailing offices.

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Contributions to the SSSA Journal may be (i) papers and notes on original research; and (ii) "Comments and Letters to the Editor" containing (a) critical comments on papers published in one of the Society outlets or elsewhere, (b) editorial comments by Society officers, or (c) personal comments on matters having to do with soil science, or book reviews. Letters to the Editor are limited to one printed page. Contributions need not have been presented at annual meetings. Original research findings are interpreted to mean the outcome of scholarly inquiry, investigation, or experimentation having as an objective the revision of existing concepts, the development of new concepts, or the improvement of techniques in some phase of soil science. Short, critical reviews or essays on timely subjects, upon invitation by the Editorial Board, may be published on a limited basis. Refer to the SSSA Publication Policy (or Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:1-3, 2000) and to the Publications Handbook and Style Manual (ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 2008).

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