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Women of NASA
QuestChat Archive

Date: February 24, 2000

Featuring: Aprille Ericsson-Jackson
Aerospace Engineer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

Thu Feb 24 13:17:19 2000

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 2 - 08:38:20 ]
Hello to our early arriving chatters. Today's chat with Aprille Ericsson-Jackson from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will begin in approximately 20 minutes. Be sure you have read Aprille's profile at http://quest.nasa.gov/women/bios/ae.html to prepare your questions.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 3 - 08:43:25 ]
Today's chat will be MODERATED to help Aprille keep up with our questions. This means only a few questions will be posted in the chat room at a time. DON'T WORRY if you don't see your questions on your screen immediately. We will post new ones as Aprille answers those ahead of you.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 4 - 08:45:04 ]
We invite you to visit our NASA QuestChat Information Center at http://quest.nasa.gov/qchats to send us your feedback after our chat today. We look forward to hearing from you today!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 6 - 08:59:31 ]
RE: [DrPrell] Hi Oran I've logged on. Aprille
Welcome, Aprille! We should begin shortly. Get your fingers ready!

[ DrPrell - 7 - 09:00:30 ]
RE: [Oran/NASAChatHost] Welcome, Aprille! We should begin shortly. Get your fingers ready!
OK I'm all set.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 8 - 09:02:25 ]
Hello and welcome to today's Black History Month/National Engineers' Week chat with Aprille Ericsson-Jackson from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 9 - 09:02:47 ]
Aprille Ericsson-Jackson conducts simulations on spacecraft designs in order to understand how they may behave during flight. The simulations allow her to determine if any changes should be made to the construction and design of spacecraft, and how the propulsion systems will function. She also teaches engineering design and professional engineering courses at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 10 - 09:03:34 ]
And now, here is Aprille Ericsson-Jackson to answer your questions

[ DrPrell - 13 - 09:04:16 ]
Let me add that I also teach part-time at Howard University and I am a recruiter for the college.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 14 - 09:05:10 ]
RE: [DrPrell] Let me add that I also teach part-time at Howard University and I am a recruiter for the college.
Thanks, Aprille! :-)

[ DrPrell - 15 - 09:05:16 ]
RE: [Brad] What do you know about the Apollo missions?
Well Bob since I was a little girl during the Apollo missions I don't know as much as I would like to know but what do you have in mind.

[ DrPrell - 18 - 09:06:24 ]
RE: [Bill] What is your job like.
Bill My job requires quite a bit of mathematics, physics, computers and quite a bit of communication.

[ DrPrell - 23 - 09:08:40 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Emilee] What is nuetral buoyancy?
Neutral buoyancy is a term that we use just to describe the fact that we are working in a water environment to stimulate the non gravity/pressurized environment of space. MIDEX stands for Medium Sized Explorer

[ DrPrell - 24 - 09:10:40 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Jennifer] What happened that made you have to have your knee repaired
I hurt me right knee when I was a senior in H.S. and I had orthoscopic surgery with some minor repair. I hurt my left knee in a major world class softball tournament in Atlanta and had to have my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) replaced. My favorite sport is basketball, then softball and football.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 26 - 09:11:19 ]
RE: [Brad] Do you know when the next shuttle launch will be?
Brad, you can find a tentative schedule of upcoming launches on the NASA Johnson Space Center web site, at http://www.jsc.nasa.gov.

[ DrPrell - 27 - 09:11:30 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Rachel] What was your favorite sport of the ones you tought?
I hope my previous answer answered your question .

[ DrPrell - 30 - 09:12:41 ]
RE: [Bill] What are you working on right now.
I am currently working on calculating the solar pressure forces and torques that build up on the MAP spacecraft.

[ DrPrell - 32 - 09:14:24 ]
RE: [Edison] Does your family know what you do for a living? Do they really understand?
My family knows what I do for a living. My little cousins' are extremely excited about what I do. It seems that the younger nieces and nephews are now very interested in what I do. They don't understand it all completely but I try to explain it to them the best way I know possible.

[ DrPrell - 34 - 09:16:12 ]
RE: [Edison] What subjects do you have to focus in to do your job?
Most of the subjects are mathematics, computers, physics, a little Earth Science, and occasionally Chemistry. One of the biggest requirements is technical writing.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 36 - 09:16:44 ]
RE: [Bill] What kinds of college do you need to be able to do your job?
Bill, you can read about Aprille's academic background in her profile, at http://quest.nasa.gov/women/bios/ae.html.

[ DrPrell - 38 - 09:17:29 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Britiany] How long have you been helping students?
Since I was a little girl. My first grade teahcer reported that I love to help others. When did I start doing it from an engineering aspect was during graduate school at Howard University.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 39 - 09:17:40 ]
RE: [Aztecs] Hi, my name is Norma and I am from Montgomery High School I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for the class
Welcome, Norma and Aztecs. Please send in your questions and we will post them as soon as we can.

[ DrPrell - 40 - 09:18:46 ]
RE: [Edison] What other jobs would you be willing to do in your field?
I would really like to learn more about calculating the orbital navigation equations and trajectories of the spacecraft.

[ DrPrell - 41 - 09:20:42 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Beth] Out of all the things you do what do you most enjoy doing?
Truly playing sports. I'm still a big kid and a very competitive one. But from a professional aspect, I love teaching students about science, engineering and math.

[ DrPrell - 46 - 09:24:46 ]
RE: [Edison] Would recommmend anyone to join your field if they weren't good in Math or anyother subjects that are needed?
Sure, there are a lot of other careers at NASA that don't require the mathematics, like technical writers, artists and lawyers. Patent law will require some technical experience but there are other law areas that required by the government that don't. One of my close friends Dr. Carruthers who is an astrophysicists at the Naval Research Laboratory (also worked on the Apollo missions) said initially he wasn't good at Math. He overcame that handicap in college to succeed in his field.

[ DrPrell - 47 - 09:26:05 ]
RE: [Brad] Why do space shuttles now land like planes when the Apollo missions splashed down like comets coming from outer space?
So that we can reuse them easily. Also now we don't have to require the Navy to pickup the capsules out of the water. Less manpower and risk.

[ DrPrell - 48 - 09:26:43 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Dustin] what is your favorite school?
In terms of the schools I have attended or do you mean were I have visited?

[ DrPrell - 52 - 09:29:13 ]
RE: [Aztecs] What Characteriostics do you need to be in that field?
Do you mean in my field of Aerospace engineering? If so I think that you should have an aptitude for math and science. Be able to work on a computer and read well. A second language can be helpful. You must be able to work in an team environment. I also found that I loved to figure out how things work and how to fix them.

[ DrPrell - 53 - 09:31:16 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RUralHall/Felicia] Why did you decide to teach sports?
I don't teach sports now. I volunteered to do it when I was in high school. It was a way to give back to my community. I have coached teams and that can be alot of fun. But now, I primarily play them.

[ DrPrell - 58 - 09:32:59 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Danielle] What is your favorite under graduate project?Explain.
The Manned Mars Mission. The chance to design a mission that would take a group of people to Mars was just awesome. I really became interested in the Space Biology aspects; meaning how the environment of space affects humans.

[ DrPrell - 59 - 09:35:29 ]
RE: [Edison] Do you get confused with some of the projects your working with?
Not really, because I am currently only work with the MAP project. All of the things I had learned to do on other missions helped to do the things I now do on MAP. I do get over booked with other aspects of my daily life. The guest speaking and my email information lists keeps me very busy. Therefore, I stay at work very late quite a bit of get everything done so I can have time to travel to speak to groups or play with my sports teams.

[ DrPrell - 60 - 09:37:02 ]
RE: [Bill] Whats the hardest task you have done
The hardest task I have done was my dissertation at Howard University. My document was 350+ pages. And I did all myself, of course with the guidance of my advisor.

[ DrPrell - 61 - 09:37:29 ]
RE: [Brad] What is the most fun thing about your job?
Making rockets with some of the visiting groups.

[ DrPrell - 65 - 09:40:37 ]
RE: [Aztecs] How long do you think it will take to get the administrative and educational experience in your field?
It depends on what I decide to do in my life. I think that technically I should have a quite a bit of experience with MAP's launch to lead a project in the future. But there are things that I am still considering for a future. At times I have considered Law School. I would really like to make decisions about educational, science and technology policy. I would like to intern with the Office of Science and Technology policy. But I truly believe that one must always keep learning.

[ DrPrell - 66 - 09:41:05 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Britiany] Who or what motivated you to become such an excellent learner?
My Mommy!!! And my grandfathers!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 67 - 09:41:40 ]
As a reminder to our chatters, be sure to send your comments about today's chat to us by using our online feedback forms, available at http://quest.nasa.gov/qchats.

[ DrPrell - 69 - 09:43:04 ]
RE: [Aztecs] How many years of schooling did it take you to get were you are?
18 yrs high school; 5 yrs Bachelor of Science; 3 yrs Masters of Engrg.; 4.5 yrs of Ph.D.

[ DrPrell - 70 - 09:44:16 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall/Dustin] I wanted to know of all of the schools you have attended, what was your favorite?
Howard University! :) The faculty and students in the Engineering really love me there. They always make me feel at home when I come to visit.

[ DrPrell - 72 - 09:45:28 ]
RE: [Aztecs] What are your goals for the future?
I have several: Astronaut, Professor, Policy/Decision Maker in Aerospace/Technology Environment

[ DrPrell - 73 - 09:45:54 ]
RE: [Aztecs] What are your goals for the future?
Let me not forget wife and mother.

[ DrPrell - 75 - 09:48:11 ]
RE: [Aztecs] What is the MAP project?
M.A.P. is an acronym for Microwave Anistropy Probe. Of course you can visit the website for our mission. Just visit my profile and link to it. The main purpose of the mission is to collect temperature data using a microwave instrument is that we might better understand the evolution of the universe (like the Big Bang theory).

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 77 - 09:51:03 ]
Aprille has informed us that she will be able to stay online for an extended period to answer our questions. For those of you able to stay with us, please continue to submit your questions. For those of you leaving us shortly, once again, please send your comments to us at http://quest.nasa.gov/qchats.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 79 - 09:54:20 ]
RE: [Meredith] We are signing in late -- we forgot! Sorry! We will read all of the questions and answers that have been sent.
Meredith, welcome. You are in luck!! Aprille has informed us that she will be able to stay online for an extended period to answer our questions. So please submit yours to us after reviewing the chat dialogue.

[ DrPrell - 80 - 09:55:46 ]
RE: [Aztecs] WAs there a point in your life you wanted to give up and how did you over come it?
Of course there are times when you don't think you will succeed. I don't think the term "give up" is in my vocabulary. At one point I was not doing very well at MIT. So I took time off and attended CCNY and worked at Columbia Univ. My mom encouraged me to not get discouraged. During the time I worked on my dissertation I became discourage because it was taking so long. During those times I looked at what some of my African-American or African ancestors had been able to accomplish with so much less. There is was no way I was going to stop. People that have been an inspiration to me are: Imohotep, Benjamin Bannecker, Garret Morgan, Elijah McCoy, Dr. Mae Jemison, Guion Bluford, Frederick Gregory, Dr. George Carruthers, Dr. Ronald McNair, my grandfathers, my mom, Harriet Tubman, Dr. Yvonne Freeman and Dr. Sheila Widnall-my MIT advisor.

[ DrPrell - 82 - 09:57:24 ]
RE: [Aztecs] Did growing up in Brooklin influence you to become what and who you are? explain
Yes it made me tough and crafty. Also I think that the Brooklyn Public Schools are great. Attending schools in NY required me to become to standardized test which was also helpful when it came time to take the SATs.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 83 - 09:58:21 ]
Once again, Aprille has agreed to stay online with us to answer more questions today. So please continue sending them in!

[ DrPrell - 87 - 10:01:51 ]
RE: [Aztecs] As the only and first african- american woman to be enrolled in the Special Progress Program were you proud of you self?
I don't know that I was the first in the SP class in Brooklyn. But I was the only in that year. It was very difficult because I couldn't study with my classmates. They went home to their neighborhoods and I went home to mine. I remember telling my late grandmother that the (white) girls were jealous of my good scores in class all of the time. She was worried that they would harm me. But I knew better because I was a tomboy and they were more scared of me.

[ DrPrell - 88 - 10:05:56 ]
RE: [Ryan] Are there any specific tools/computer programs that are nessecary for your work?
I use Netscape- web info, Microsoft Office- Word, Excel and Eudora-email daily. Then I also use: Matlab, Xmath, Systembuild. There are other software packages that are ver specific to working with the spacecraft lift STOL which allows use to send commands and receives formatted telemetry to and from the spacecraft. Sometimes I use graphic packages also.

[ DrPrell - 89 - 10:08:34 ]
RE: [Aztecs] How did you feel missing out on the NASA's austronaut program cause of your asma and Knee?
Well believe it or not this selection I was allowed to take a prescreening physical on which I did fine on. I was told if I was ever called for an interview, they will do additional testing down in Houston. But I was not called this time. :( Maybe the next time. My branch management is working real hard to make sure I get the training that might be helpful for that possible career.

[ DrPrell - 94 - 10:11:59 ]
RE: [Meredith] do you like working with astronauts
I have not worked with any in a technical capacity during the time they are astronauts. I have had the opportunity to be a guest speaker with them. (check out CSPAN schedule for program with Dr. Bernard Harris) Quite a few of them I have been friends or collegues with prior to their selection. A couple I have become friends with after they have left the Corp.

[ DrPrell - 95 - 10:13:40 ]
RE: [Ryan] What courses in High School would you suggest taking if your goal was to become an Aerospace Engineer?
Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science Computers :FORTRAN, Pascal, C+, Word processing, Databases, Graphics English for Communication Skills Read, Language, Arts, Sports Be well rounded

[ DrPrell - 96 - 10:15:18 ]
RE: [meredith] How long have you been with the astrounaut program?
Meredith, I am not in the astronaut program. I only made it through the first round of selection. I am an aerospace engineer. And I have been trained by going to school, internships and working for NASA.

[ DrPrell - 98 - 10:17:14 ]
RE: [MrsMcD/RuralHall] Thank you so much, Dr. Ericsson-Jackson, for taking your time to answer questions for our elementary school students.
No thanks are necessary but it is appreciated. I like doing this kind of stuff. It makes me feel really needed. I think if I left my job at NASA they could easily find another aerospace engineer to [fill] my job. But they couldn't find another guest speaker/teacher like me to talk to the public. :)

[ DrPrell - 99 - 10:18:59 ]
RE: [Meredith] Did you ever have any douts about chosing this job?
All the time. I want to do a good job. And if I fail, millions of dollars could be lost or time that people have devoted from their lives everyday. I also do not think I am slated to always do this type of work but it is a necessary stepping stone in my future.

[ DrPrell - 102 - 10:20:32 ]
RE: [JudithePaulius] What is a B.S.?
Bachelor of Science Degree. It is the first college degree you receive in the Science or engineering disciplines.

[ DrPrell - 104 - 10:21:08 ]
RE: [JudithePaulius] Did you ever get nervous when you have to
Judith, we didn't get you whole question.

[ DrPrell - 107 - 10:23:19 ]
Are you guys confusing me with someone else? I have never had to rescue anyone except my dog, Kojo when he got all tied up in his leash and almost hung himself.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 108 - 10:23:54 ]
As a reminder, Aprille Ericsson-Jackson has agreed to extend today's chat session with us to answer more of your questions. Be sure to send your comments about today's chat to us at http://quest.nasa.gov/qchats.

[ DrPrell - 110 - 10:25:39 ]
Oh and one other time when I worked for the telephone operating system one summer. You know 411. A women had called in about her son taking Liquid Plumber. I was nervous but I quickly handled by giving her the poison control hotline.

[ DrPrell - 112 - 10:28:22 ]
RE: [Edison] What types of equipment do you test
Reaction wheels which help to control the spacecraft's movement. The computer software which controls all aspects of the spacecraft. The sensors which are star trackers, digital and coarse sun sensors. We do vibration testing to make sure the spacecraft structure will withstand takeoff.

[ DrPrell - 113 - 10:29:28 ]
RE: [Edison] At first, were you unsure about changing your major?
I never changed my major. I have always chosen Aerospace Engineering. What gave you that impression?

[ DrPrell - 115 - 10:31:40 ]
RE: [Ryan] What is the working environment in NASA like?...Are the people helpful and can you get to know them or do you mostly work on your own in an office like other jobs?
Actually we do both. Many times I need to confer with others before making decision or proceeding with my calculations or formulations. I don't think I have ever found someone unwilling to help but often they are too busy. Usually then I find someone else to help.

[ DrPrell - 117 - 10:37:50 ]
RE: [Ryan] Who were your roll models that lead you to pick this line of work? WEre there any lesser known austronauts that you respected and wanted to follow their lead?
I mentioned Dr. Sheila Widnall. She was my advisor at MIT and she was not an astronaut but during the time I was in graduate school. She became the Sec. of the Air Force. The 1st women to hold a Sec. of Defense position. There was also Dr. West Harris- the only African American faculty member in Aero/Astro Engrg at MIT when I attended school. He was a helicopter specialist. Of course we all knew about Dr. Ronald McNair because he was an alumni at MIT. I didn't have a lot of professional role models when I was younger but my grandfathers were both engineers. My grandfather, Holger Ericsson was a train engineer for the NY Public Transit Authority. My grandfather, Ralph Breedy was the Chief Custodial engineer for the Sheraton Commander Hotel in Cambridge, MA. Both of them taught me how to build things and refurbish homes. My husband ahas taught me a little about cars.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 119 - 10:41:01 ]
This concludes today's Black History Month/National Engineers' Week chat with Aprille Ericsson-Jackson from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We would like to thank our participants for joining us and for the great questions today. We also extend our gratitude and appreciation to Aprille for once again joining us to chat and share her career expertise with us. THANK YOU, Aprille!

[ DrPrell - 120 - 10:41:07 ]
RE: [Oran/NASAChatHost] We can accept some final questions for Aprille in the last 20 minutes of our chat. So please send them in to us!
Please let me know where some of you are from?

[ DrPrell - 121 - 10:41:47 ]
Thanks Anytime.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 122 - 10:42:54 ]
We invite you to join our other National Engineers' Week and Black History Month chats this month. Visit our NASA QuestChat Information Center to learn more about these chats, and to send us your comments about today's chat with Aprille Ericsson-Jackson.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 123 - 10:43:33 ]
Once again, thank you for joining us today. We hope to hear from you online again. have a great day!

[ DrPrell - 124 - 10:47:02 ]
You too.


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