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Economics and Budgets

Corn Silage
Forage Feeding
Red Clover
Other Legumes
Alternative Forages
Cereal Forages
Decision Software

 WI Crop Manager
UW Forage Extension
UW Dairy Extension
UW Corn Extension
WI Custom Operators
Midwest Forage Assn.


12-23-08 Alfalfa Profitability by Year Calculator
This spreadsheet developed by Extension Educator Ken Barnett estimates yields and profits for alfalfa stands from establishment to the the 4th production year.

Value of Short Rotations for Alfalfa Profitability
by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist, and Ken Barnett, UW-Extension Educator.

7-03-08 Pricing Standing Hay: Consider Plant Nutrient Value
by Mark Kopecky, Price Co. Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Carrie Laboski, UWEX Soils Scientist, and Dan Undersander, UWEX Forage Agronomist  

12-23-08 Corn Silage Pricing Decision Aid
This spreadsheet developed by Ryan Sterry, Polk Co. Agriculture Agent; Lee Milligan, St. Croix Co. Agriculture Agent; and Joe Lauer, UW-Extension Corn Agronomist, helps to determine a price for standing and harvested corn silage.

5-16-08 Pricing Standing Forage Worksheet
This spreadsheet developed by Extension Educator Ken Barnett, helps to determine ceiling and floor prices to pay for standing forage.

5-16-08 How to Price Standing Forage
A "Focus on Forage" fact sheet written by UW-Extension Agents Ted Bay and Rhonda Gildersleeve, Ken Barnett, UW-Extension Farm Management Specialist, and Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist.

4-11-06 Economics of Alfalfa and Corn Silage Rotations
This paper, written by Extension Educator Ken Barnett, looks at the economics of various rotation options using alfalfa and corn silage.

Calculating Optimal Length of a Stand of Alfalfa
This spreadsheet, developed by former Waukesha County Agriculture Agent, Rob Fox, offers users the ability to evaluate the economic return of varying lengths of alfalfa stands.

Buying and Selling Hay and Straw
Information related to marketing hay and obtaining current hay prices

3-23-06 Paying for Unexpected Feed Expenses
A "Focus on Forage" fact sheet written by Tom Anderson, Shawano Co. Agricultural Agent

Forage Economics and Budgets
View the Center for Dairy Profitability web site for current forage budgets and other resources related to forage economics.

Factors to Consider When Marketing Hay
A "Focus on Forage" fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist

Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems
UW Extension Bulletin A3718

Buying and Selling Corn Silage: What's a fair price?
This paper, written by Greg Blonde, Waupaca Co. Agricultural Agent, evaluates several methods to value corn silage.

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