Eesti Pank / Bank of Estonia

Economic policy statement of Eesti Pank

22/10/2008 According to the base scenario of Eesti Pank's 2008 autumn forecast, Estonia's gross domestic product will decline by 1.8% in 2008 and by 2.1% in 2009. So far the economic correction has been more abrupt than expected primarily due to decreasing domestic demand. More...

Economic forecast for 2008-2010

22/10/2008 Estonia's economy has experienced very strong growth in the last three years: during that time economy has expanded by more than a quarter in real terms and almost by two-thirds in nominal terms This has been achieved at the expense of taking very high risks. Now some of these risks have materialised, bringing the economy into a recession this year. More...

Standard & Poor's affirmed Estonia's sovereign rating at the previous level

28/10/2008 According to the press release published yesterday, 27 October, the rating agency Standard & Poor's affirmed Estonia's sovereign rating at the level A. The rating agency did not change the country's long-term and short-term sovereign credit ratings either, leaving them at A and A-1, respectively, with the outlook being negative. More...

  Daily topics
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  UudisenuppLabour Market Review (October 2008)