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Exploration through Navigation Challenge
Welcome to the Fall 2008 NASA Quest Challenge!
Explore Earth and Space Navigation

Student Navigation Plans

1 thumbnail of map By: 5Th grader, Team B2 and B3
Commodore Sloat Elementary
Teacher: Laura Graham
2 thumbnail of map By: Andrea
West Ward Elementary
Science Coach, Elliott Alvarado

3 thumbnail of route By Team Bern, second mate Nalu olapa
Bern Homeschool
4 thumbnail of map By Adrienne
Alameda Home School
Teacher: Ms. Karpf
5 thumbnail of map Crompond Elementary School
Teacher: Ms. Fazio
6 thumbnail of map Kamehameha Elementary School
Teacher: Mr. Chung
7 Orleans Elementary School
Teacher Ms. Currier
8 thumb nail of map By Team: The Lions
Baymonte Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Hofmann
9 thumbnail of map By Team: The Firey Exchange
Baymonte Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Hofmann
10 thumbnail of map By Team: The Quiglians
Home School
Teacher: Ms. Kocher Zerphy

11 thumbnail of map

By: Polly Class 2009
St Josephs School
Ms. Florio

Power Point presentation

12 thumbnail of map Waldron Island School
Teacher: Ms. Smith

13 thumbnail of map Team: Pacific Crew of the USS Intrepid
Fifth grade class.
Archway School
Teacher: Ms. Sullivan
14 thumbnail of student voyage plan Team: Sea Girt of The Patriot
Laura Dunbar
Sea Girt Elementary School

 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated: October 2008