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National Geologic Map Database logo
This Web site contains information on activities of the National Geologic Map Database Project (NGMDB). The NGMDB is a collaborative effort primarily involving the USGS and the Association of American State Geologists. This Web site contains informal, generally time-sensitive material intended for project members, cooperators, and interested parties.


General Reports (including the Geoscience Map Catalog)
Latest report: April, 2005 [HTML | PDF]
Earlier reports: May, 2004 || May, 2003 || May, 2002 || May, 2001 || May, 2000 || May, 1999 || Oct., 1998 || May, 1998 || Dec., 1997 || June, 1995 || 1995 ||

Assessing the status of geologic map coverage in the U.S. -- HTML || PDF ||

Geologic Map Image Library -- Overview || Technical details ||

Geologic Names Lexicon ("GEOLEX") -- May, 2000

National Paleontology Database -- May, 2001

Overview of Geologic Mapping and Databases -- article in McGraw-Hill 2004 Yearbook of Science and Technology (676KB PDF file)

Standards Development -- see our Standards page for:
Geologic Map Symbolization
Geologic Map Database
     - data model
     - science terminology
     - data interchange format
     - database implementations
Map Publication Guidelines
Digital Mapping Techniques

En Espanol

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This page is
Maintained by Dave Soller (
last update: June 14, 2007