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Fitness Quest: A low-impact exercise video for Native American seniors
A low-impact exercise dvd for Native American seniors This dvd was made to demonstrate basic exercise movements and to increase flexibility and range of motion for seniors. Exercise is the main recommendation for prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart disease and weight management. Native Americans demonstrate the exercises to the beat of Native American drumming. (30 minutes, 2001).
Activities for Building Family Strengths
Suggests activities families can do to enhance the areas analyzed in MT199405HR (caring and appreciation, time together, encouragement, commitment, communication, adaptive ability, spirituality, community and family ties and clear roles). Includes worksheet. 20 pages.
This guide for parenting during the adolescent years discusses the significance of peers, risk-taking, self-consciousness and decision-making in a rapidly changing adolescent’s life. It lists tips for helping your child navigate adolescence and includes resources for further reading.
This guide describes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), lists common myths about the disorder and provides background on how it is identified and managed. It offers suggestions on how parents can help their child and includes additional resources.
Be Your Own Best Friend: A Plan for Improving Self-Esteem
Exercises help build morale and self-esteem. 20 pages.
Building a Positive Relationship with Your Child
When your children are grown up and reflect back on your relationship, you want them to think of happiness and closeness rather than fear or confusion. Here are some tips for balancing appropriate parental control with opportunity and affection.
Building Family Strengths
Discusses ways to enrich family life.
There are many kinds of families, but regardless of the arrangement, loving, supportive families seem to share certain characteristics. This publication lists characteristics of successful single-parent families and offers ideas on how to strengthen any family.
Most adult children do not initially see themselves as caregivers, and aging parents often do not see themselves as needing care. Often this changes gradually, starting with small acts of assistance. This guide will discuss issues to consider if you are faced with caregiving for an aging parent.
Although bullying is not a normal part of childhood, it's a serious and common problem that can drastically affect the ability of children--bullies and their victims alike--to progress academically, emotionally and socially. This publication explains what bullying is, discusses the interaction of bullies and their victims, and suggests how to respond to and curtail bullying.
This publication offers help in creating a healthy post-divorce environment for your family. It lists provisions to include in a parenting plan, things to consider when deciding on living arrangements for your child and where to go for help in resolving disagreements.
Depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness. It can affect eating habits, sleeping patterns, feelings of self-esteem and physical well-being. This guide will help you identify the symptoms of depression, recognize its causes and understand the available treatment options.
Disciplina: Guia de los padres para los infantes los ninos pequenos
Utilizando una disciplina positiva, los padres proveen la base firme que los ninos necesitan para apreder como controlar su propio comportamiento mientas que maduran. Las estrategias en esta guia incluyen como responder a las necesidades del nino, mantener la casa a prueba de ninos, orientacion y la importancia de ser constante en las rutinas y horarios.
Disciplina: Guia de los padres para los ninos en edad de la escuela
Estas son estrategias que ayudan a los padres a guiar el comportamiento de su nino en la edad de la escuela: mostrarle como comportarse apropiadamente, establecer rutinas, usar consecuencias naturales y logicas, mantenerse firme y usar recordatorios.
Esta guia trata de varias estrategias de disciplina para que los padres otros adultos que cuidan a los ninos las puedan utilizar y ayudar a que su nino de edad prescolar aprenda a comportarse apropiadamente. Los temas que aqui se incluyen son: comunicar lo que se espera del nino en una manera positiva, presentar opciones simples, proveer rutinas consistentes, usar el tiempo de descanso y examinar las circunstancias cuando ocurre el mal comportamiento.
Using positive discipline, parents provide the solid foundation children need to learn how to monitor their own behavior as they get older. Strategies covered in this guide include responding to needs, baby-proofing the house, redirecting attention and monitoring schedules.
This guide discusses several discipline strategies parents and other caregivers can use to help their preschooler learn appropriate behavior. Topics covered include communicating expectations in a positive manner, presenting simple choices, providing consistent routines, using time out and examining the circumstances when misbehavior occurs.
This article discusses how to guide your child’s behavior by setting a good example, establishing routines, using natural and logical consequences, being firm and using reminders.
Enjoying Each Child as an Individual
What do you do when your child has been picked on at school or your teenager never seems to agree with you? Recognizing each child's individual interests, talents and feelings can help.
Families Facing Divorce
Things to keep in mind before deciding to divorce and steps that can be taken to make the experience less devastating for children and adults.
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