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OSU Agricultural Communications Services

Welcome to the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources' official mass media connection for the general public, news and public affairs professionals, various public and private partner organizations and agencies, and the Division's campus- and field-based faculty and staff.

Division News

Sunup banner art

Pecan management course offered by Oklahoma State University
Seasoned pecan growers or those who are interested in the industry should make plans to attend the 2009 Fundamentals of Pecan Management course hosted by Oklahoma State University.
Pecan Trees

Understanding nature key part of solving stream erosion concerns
Without proper care and an understanding of how streams operate under the rules of Mother Nature, a landowner with a stream running through his or her property may have a serious problem without an affordable solution.
water quality

CASNR exchange program enhances student experiences, university graduate-level programs
Brazil is a world-leader when it comes to alternative fuels, part of the reason that Jim Stiegler, an Emeritus professor in Oklahoma State University’s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, helped develop and received funding for a student exchange program with universities in Brazil.
exchange program



Cow-Calf Corner

Market Monitor


Photo Database
Our photo database provides agricultural photos for NON-COMMERCIAL use. 

DASNR Experts by Topic
Need to interview an expert about a newsworthy topic concerning agriculture, natural resources, family and consumer sciences, or 4-H youth programs? This list groups our experts based on their feild of expertise to make finding a source quick and easy.

Oklahoma Gardening
The Division's award-winning, nationally recognized television show broadcast Saturdays and Sundays on OETA, produced by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service through OSU Agricultural Communications Services and the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture.

Extension Fact Sheets
Oklahoma's source for science-based information on agriculture, economic development, family and consumer sciences, and youth development.