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Syngenta petitions for deregulation of GMO ethanol corn (comments wanted!)

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) requests comment on a petition from Syngenta Seeds, Inc. for the deregulation of corn that has been genetically engineered to produce an enzyme that facilitates ethanol production. If deregulation is approved, the “product could then freely be moved and planted without the requirement of permits or other regulatory oversight by APHIS.” The nonregulated status will depend on whether APHIS concludes that the “organism does not pose a plant pest risk.”
The USDA’s evidence indicates that risks posed to humans by GMO corn are unlikely. Because the genetic engineering in question does not involve herbicides or pesticides, the Environmental Protection Agency is not party to the deliberation. Please send comments. Information about submitting comments both online and via postal mail is included in the briefing. Full story: USDA-APHIS