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Federal Activities

The Fish and Wildlife Service implements its mission in the area of water resources development through:
  • Evaluating the impacts of water resource development projects on fish and wildlife;
  • Making recommendations to mitigate (avoid, reduce and compensate for) these impacts and enhance fish and wildlife;
  • Providing technical assistance to agencies, private individuals, organizations, and businesses regarding project assessment and mitigation.

The Service strives to provide fish and wildlife information early in project planning before commitments of resources are made.

The Fish and Wildlife Service uses an Ecosystem Approach to Fish and Wildlife Conservation. The Service looks at the significance of the resources present, risk or threat to these resources, the Service's ability to address resource needs, and opportunities for partnerships with others.

Mitigation recommendations are made based on the ecological and biological function of the ecosystem. Policies that the Service relies on to meet these goals include The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, The National Environmental Policy Act, and authorities relative to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

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