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The goal of the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) and U.S. sheep and goat industry is to eradicate scrapie by 2010 and to have the World Organization for Animal Health declare the United States scrapie-free by 2017.

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General Information
Scrapie Program - USDA APHIS
National Scrapie Education Initiative - National Institute for Animal Agriculture
Scrapie newsletter and presentations - American Sheep Industry Association
[PDF] Scrapie of Sheep - Iowa State University
[PDF, 2007] Scrapie - Iowa State University
Scrapie in Sheep - Manitoba, Canada
Scrapie in Goats - Onion Creek Ranch

Genetic Aspects of Scrapie
Genetics of Scrapie Resistance in Sheep - University of Wisconsin
[PDF, 2003] The ABC's of Genetic Based Flock Clean-up and Monitoring Plans - USDA APHIS
PowerPoint Presentation on the Use of Genetics to Control Scrapie - USDA APHIS
[PDF} Scrapie Genetics - Gene Check
[PDF] Scrapie and Codon 171 - Part I | Part II - Gene Check
Sheep FAQ's - GenMark©
Genetics of Scrapie - Virgnia Tech
DNA Scrapie Resistance Testing - Pipestone Vet Supply
New Zealand sheep with scrapie-susceptible PrP genotypes succumb to experimental challenge . . .
[PDF] A preliminary report on the frequency of scrapie-susceptible alleles . . .

Genetic Testing Labs
Gene Check, Inc.
GenAlysis Laboratory, Inc.
BioServe Biotechnologies Ltd.
Biogenetics Services, Inc.
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory - UC Davis
The Diagnostic Center for Population Animal Health - Michigan State University

Live Animal Tests for Scrapie
[PDF] A Live Animal Test for Scrapie - Gene Check
The Third Eyelid - Universe Magazine
Update on Testing for Scrapie - Ohio State University
[PDF] BSE and Scrapie: the search for diagnostic tests
Preclinical Diagnosis of Scrapie by Immunohistochemistry of Third Eyelid Lymphoid Tissue - J. Clincal Microbiology

Scrapie Eradication
Scrapie Flock Certification Program - USDA APHIS
Flock Status Report by State - USDA APHIS
[PDF] Requirements for "Going to the Show"
[PDF] What You as a Producer Need to Know About the New Scrapie Eradication Program - USDA APHIS
[PDF] What 4-H’ers need to know about the Scrapie Eradication Program - Iowa State University
National Scrapie Plan for Great Britain

Biology of TSEs
Mark Purdy - Alternative Theory on BSE
CJD Foundation
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) - USDA APHIS Page
Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance

Atypical scrapie
Atypical scrapie - Moredun Foundation
A case–control study of scrapie Nor98 in Norwegian sheep flocks
A newly identified type of scrapie agent can naturally infect sheep with resistant PrP genotypes
Nor98-Like Scrapie Found in the United States logo 
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Last updated 03-Sep-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
