Economy & Politics

Dems unveil $825 billion stimulus
Activity on Obama's economic plan heats up as swearing-in nears

House Democrats advance plans for a huge economic stimulus plan -- the top priority of President-elect Obama; Democrats eye $550 billion in spending, $275 billion in tax cuts.
Tax breaks in House stimulus plan aimed at home buyers, tuition payments
economic data
Longer lines for unemployment checks
First-time applications for jobless benefits up 54,000

Job picture continues to be grim; first-time claims for unemployment benefits rises to 524,000 in latest week with some economists projecting a peak of 750,000, while total collecting unemployment hits 4.5 million.
PPI:Wholesale prices drop for fifth straight month
more news to track
Obama's challenge
Federal Reserve news
Economic calendar
Washington events
Foreclosures soar 81% in 2008
U.S. foreclosure filings in 2008 rose an astounding 81% from 2007 and tripled from 2006, according to an industry survey. In December alone, foreclosure filings were reported on more than 303,000 U.S. properties, up 17% from November and 41% from a year earlier.
Obama's challenge
Geithner flap a snag in transition
Obama predicts his Treasury pick to be approved
Senate panel delays confirmation hearing for Treasury Secretary pick as controversy surrounds Tim Geithner's payment of taxes.
Treasury pick Geithner faces questions about taxes
Obama's budget chief nominee warns of unsustainable path
Czar power
Obama boosts the number of policy 'czars'...but will it
 work? asks Darrell Delamaide.
Nutting: Bush's 7 worst mistakes
Politics and legislation
House OKs bailout reform
House approves bill proposed by Rep. Barney Frank set conditions on the release of the remaining $350 billion of the bank bailout funds.

final grilling
Bush defendshis record
Outgoing President George W. Bush admits mistakes but says U.S. still stands for freedom; wishes Obama well.

Mortgage reform deal advances
Bill to allow bankruptcy judges to eliminate some mortgage debt clears big hurdle after Citigroup and lawmakers reach agreement on the measure.

What next for oil shale?
Political and economic realities may put  potentially enormous source of hydrocarbons back on the back burner.

The Fed and the economy
Retail sales plunge in December
Stung by weak demand and falling prices, retail sales drop for the sixth month in a row -- the longest decline on record -- as economy deteriorates.
Import prices drop as oil falls

Fed survey shows downswing deepens
Latest regional survey by the Fed of economic conditions across the country showed that the few areas that had been boosters for the economy no longer offered any respite from the gloom.
Capitol Report: Fault lines at the Fed

Trade gap falls almost 30% in November
The U.S. trade balance with the rest of the world plunges in November to $40.4 billion, as imports fall a record 12% and imported oil prices drop.

Fed chief says more help needed
There will be no "lasting" recovery without more government action and additional money to strengthen the financial system, Fed Chairman Bernanke says in a sober address in London.

Unemployment at 7.2%; 524,000 jobs cut
Grim jobs report in December closes out the worst year for job losses since World War II. Nearly 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, as the total of unemployed rises to 11.1 million.

Households pay down record debt
U.S. deficit seen swelling to $1.2 trillion
Fed policy makers see grim specter in December
Factory shipments post a record drop in November
Crisis of confidence grips consumers
Bush extends help to GM, Chrysler
GDP contracts 0.5%, as expectedSt

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