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Bush Defends Presidency In Farewell Speech

Bush Defends Presidency In Farewell Speech

Unpopular but unbowed, President Bush defended his tumultuous two terms in a farewell address to the nation Thursday night, claiming a series of successes at home and abroad.

Obama Inauguration A Hollywood Production

Californians lead the pack among big donors underwriting President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration, with a roster of Golden State movie stars, film execs and businesses (including Google) putting up $6.4 million so far.

Governor's Speech: Fix The Budget Now

Governor's Speech: Fix The Budget Now

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger used a terse State of the State address to warn that California "is in a state of emergency" and "faces insolvency in weeks" without a budget deal.

Obama's AG Pick Breaks From Bush

Obama's AG Pick Breaks From Bush

With just three words, Attorney General-designate Eric Holder capped years of angry debate over U.S. counterterrorism policy and declared a major break from the Bush administration.

Senate OKs Wilderness Expansion In 9 States

The Senate voted to set aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness and allow Alaska to build an airport access road through a wildlife refuge.

'Europeans feel like hostages' in gas dispute

Heated complaints from European leaders failed Wednesday to thaw the deep-rooted economic and political dispute between Russia and...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

Bin Laden calls for action against Israel

Osama bin Laden urged Muslims to launch a jihad against Israel, seeking to harness anger over the Gaza offensive with a new message...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

Blagojevich swears in senators who will try him

Impeached Gov. Rod Blagojevich presided Wednesday over a tense swearing-in of the state Senate that must ultimately decide whether to...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

Politics makes strange bedfellows in new firm

In what may be evidence that America really is ushering in a more conciliatory era in politics, a group of leading strategists who...

Chronicle 1.14.09 11:15 AM

Newsom lays bio speech on San Carlos crowd

Mayor Gavin Newsom is really getting the hang of his "exploratory" campaign for governor. In front of a standing-room-only crowd in...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

Why the Obama/Clinton path to Mideast peace will fail

There is little chance peace can be brought to the Middle East unless it is imposed on both Israel and Palestine by the international...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

House votes to expand children's health program

Congress took the first small step Wednesday toward what Democrats promise will produce universal health care coverage for the first...

Chronicle 1.15.09 4:00 AM

2009 Inaugural Package

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Final Letterman Bush mockery Friday night! (VIDEO)

01.15.09 at 2:46 PM

David Letterman is one guy who is sorry to see George Bush exit the White House. To the late-night hosts, Bush was a...

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