January 16, 2009
Discovery - Extension - Education


  Through a combination of research, teaching and outreach, students leave with a solid background in any one of four major thrust areas: Genetic Improvement of Economic Crops, Crop Systems and Plant Nutrition, Environmental Soils and Landscape Processes, and Turf and the Urban Environment.


Turfgrass and the Urban Interface

Turfgrass Science

The overall goal of the Turfgrass Research Program at Purdue University is to minimize inputs while maintaining turf quality, minimizing costs, and further protecting the environment. Research areas include using created wetlands, biology and management of weeds, diseases, and insects, efficiently establishing and renovating of turf areas, fine-tuning fertility programs, and identifying well-adapted species and cultivars for use in the Midwest.


Septic System Research

Approximately 25% of the 800,000 septic systems present in Indiana are inadequately treating wastewater effluent resulting in contamination of groundwater and surface water.  Septic system research in the Agronomy Department focuses on developing innovative methods to locate these inadequate septic systems and identifying the soil processes involved in septic system failure.  Ongoing projects include the utilization electromagnetic induction sensors to locate soil absorption fields and an investigation of mineral weathering processes involved in reduction of soil absorption field hydraulic conductivity.
