Monday, May 14 | Technology and Transformation
While the academic and political debates on global warming are not yet over, one thing is certain: an industry already is growing to meet the challenge. This week, in a groundbreaking series, MarketWatch profiles the companies and people leading the charge, and the opportunities for investors. Day 1 of the series looks at the energy transformation taking place in technology.

Power struggle
Information tech's huge appetite for power is matched only by surging costs for energy, forcing tech firms to seek out more efficient hardware and embrace new technologies.

Unlikely duo
EPA's Andrew Fanara and lab scientist Jon Koomey team up to slow the growth in energy consumption by the large computers on which the  economy relies.

Polysilicon crunch
Global warming is juicing the price of a key ingredient used to make solar panels, raising questions about what the longer-term impact of the current shortage will be.
Saving energy in chip production
Nanotechnology is one way researchers hope to reduce energy costs in the chip industry. MarketWatch's Rex Crum finds out how it works at the IBM Almaden Research Center.
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Picking hot stocks
Newsletter editors agree it doesn't matter whether global warming is fact or fiction or, if it is real, what’s causing it. Regardless, the investment implications are same. Some are eyeing solar energy, others focus on long-term prospects for big tech companies.
Sunny side
of the street

Solar tech firms try to  woo consumers with more attractive products and lower prices.
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