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Table 11.Concentrations of metals in fly ash samples collected in Alpena by the MDNR (October 1991 - June 1992).

Chemical Concentration
No. of samples above MDEQ
Industrial/Commercial Criteria (Ref. 13)
No. of samples above MDEQ
Residential Criteria (Ref. 13)
Comparison Value
Maximum Median
arsenic 31.2 15.6 0 5 0.6E, 0.47C
barium 517 288.5 0 0 140R
cadmium 0.08 ND 0 0 0.4E, carcinogen
chromium 13 11 0 0 6R, carcinogen
copper 70 38 0 0 NA
lead 81 25 0 0 carcinogen
mercury 1.07 ND 0 0 NA
nickel 25 19 0 0 40R, carcinogen
selenium 5.9 2.6 0 0 10E
silver 3 ND 0 0 10R
zinc 190 70 0 0 600E

Reference: 22
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
ND -- Not Detected - for medians, in more than ½ of the samples
(VI) -- For chromium(VI)
NA -- None Available
carcinogen -- Carcinogen (proven, probable, or possible) but no CREG available

Comparison Value Bases:

E -- ATSDR Environmental Media Evaluation Guides (EMEGs), chronic exposure
R -- ATSDR Reference Dose Media Evaluation Guides (RMEGs), calculated from U.S. EPA Reference Dose
C -- ATSDR Cancer Risk Evaluation Guides (CREGs)

Table 12.
Concentrations of chemicals in air samples collected in the Alpena area by a Lafarge contractor, March 1995-March 1996, May 1997-June 1998.

Parameter Date Concentration
Comparison Value
Besser School (1995-6)/Immanuel Lutheran School (1997-8) Lincoln School (1995-6)/Sunrise Center (1997-8) North Point
Maximum Median Maximum Median Maximum Median
acenaphthene 95-96 0.0037 0.0012 0.0047 0.0015 0.002 0.00029 NA
acenaphthylene 95-96 0.0078 0.00059 0.011 0.0018 0.0084 0.000097 NA
anthracene 95-96 0.0018 0.00034 0.0065 0.00081 0.002 0.00011 NA
barium 95-96 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.015 NA
benzene 95-96 10.1 0.650 6.50 1.53 3.58 ND 13Ei, 0.12C
97-98 2.1 1.2 3.4 1.25 2 ND
benzo(a)anthracene 95-96 0.00054 0.00005 0.001 0.000056 0.00042 ND carcinogen
benzo(a)pyrene 95-96 0.00044 0.000054 0.00077 0.000062 0.00055 0.00002 carcinogen
benzo(b)fluoranthene 95-96 0.0011 0.00016 0.0018 0.00019 0.0012 0.000045 carcinogen
benzo(e)pyrene 95-96 0.00038 0.000095 0.001 0.000089 0.00066 0.000027 carcinogen
benzo(g,h,i)perylene 95-96 0.00048 0.0001 0.0013 0.00013 0.00069 0.0000255 NA
benzo(k)fluoranthene 95-96 0.00044 0.000063 0.00095 0.000076 0.00042 0.000018 carcinogen
benzyl chloride 95-96 4.26 ND 1.05 ND 1.16 ND carcinogen
bromomethane 95-96 19.0 ND 10.3 ND 21.3 ND 19E
97-98 ND ND 0.73 ND ND ND
carbon tetrachloride 95-96 0.703 ND 1.09 ND 3.32 ND 320Ei, 0.07C
97-98 1.1 0.81 1.1 0.81 0.92 0.77
chlorobenzene 95-96 1.68 ND ND ND ND ND NA
chloroethane 95-96 ND ND ND ND ND ND 10,000R
97-98 ND ND 2.7 ND 0.57 ND
chloroform 95-96 2.98 ND ND ND ND ND 98E, 0.04C
97-98 0.66 ND 1.3 ND ND ND
chloromethane 95-96 2.94 1.28 2.52 1.27 3.57 1.26 100E
97-98 4.4 1.9 15 2.1 5.4 1.9
chrysene 95-96 0.001 0.00016 0.002 0.00018 0.0014 0.000053 carcinogen
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 95-96 0.000056 0.000008 0.00028 ND 0.000093 ND carcinogen
1,2-dichlorobenzene 95-96 6.72 ND 3.79 ND 22.6 ND NA
97-98 ND ND 1.9 ND ND ND
1,4-dichlorobenzene 95-96 3.36 ND ND ND 7.33 ND 600Ei, carcinogen
dichlorodifluoromethane 95-96 4.48 2.87 4.33 2.97 7.04 2.82 NA
97-98 6.3 3.9 6.1 4.1 4.9 3.85
1,2-dichloroethane 95-96 1.03 ND ND ND ND ND 830E, 0.04C
dioxins and furans (total) 95-96 -- -- 0.000032 6.7E-07 -- -- 7.7E-08C
2,3,7,8-TCDD 95-96 -- -- 2.6E-08 ND -- --
  TEQ 95-96 -- -- 2.07E-07 2.96E-09 -- --
1-ethyl-4-methylbenzene 95-96 ND ND 3.44 ND ND ND NA
ethylbenzene 95-96 2.87 ND 3.18 ND 1.68 ND 870Ei
97-98 1.4 ND 2 ND ND ND
fluoranthene 95-96 0.0042 0.00097 0.0043 0.0011 0.0035 0.00022 NA
fluorene 95-96 0.0069 0.0019 0.0078 0.0031 0.0057 0.0008 NA
indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 95-96 0.00038 0.000072 0.00081 0.0001 0.0005 0.000021 carcinogen
mercury particulate 95-96 0.00042 0.000021 0.00035 0.000015 0.00017 0.000013 0.14E
mercury vapor 95-96 0.013 0.0025 0.0077 0.0025 0.0071 0.0020
methylene chloride 95-96 1.48 ND 24.7 ND 3.14 ND 100Ei, 2.5C
97-98 11 0.97 3.1 1.1 1.6 0.91
2-methylnaphthalene 95-96 0.06 0.015 0.85 0.024 0.036 0.0045 NA
naphthalene 95-96 0.26 0.054 0.42 0.097 0.15 0.024 10E
nickel 95-96 0.03 ND ND ND ND ND 0.2E, carcinogen
perylene 95-96 0.00019 0.000024 0.00091 0.000022 0.000082 ND NA
phenanthrene 95-96 0.012 0.0039 0.017 0.0059 0.01 0.00091 NA
pyrene 95-96 0.0043 0.00067 0.0048 0.00095 0.004 0.00016 NA
styrene 95-96 13.4 ND 3.64 ND ND ND 60E
97-98 1.9 ND 1.7 ND ND ND
1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 95-96 ND ND ND ND ND ND 2,800Ei, 0.02C
97-98 ND ND 0.6 ND ND ND
tetrachloroethylene 95-96 1.58 ND 1.79 ND ND ND 270E, 2C
97-98 5 ND 39 0.285 5.1 ND
toluene 95-96 21.4 2.14 203 3.79 13.8 0.651 3,800E
97-98 14 2.5 51 3.4 5.2 0.735
1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 95-96 ND ND 0.935 ND 1.01 ND NA
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 95-96 11.9 ND ND ND ND ND NA
1,1,1-trichloroethane 95-96 0.777 ND 3.44 ND 1.11 ND 3,800Ei
97-98 1.9 0.54 0.7 0.565 0.8 0.515
trichloroethylene 95-96 16.4 ND 5.24 ND 5.02 ND 540Ei, 0.59C
97-98 1.1 ND 8.4 ND 3.2 ND
trichlorofluoromethane 95-96 2.06 ND 7.99 1.54 2.68 1.54 NA
97-98 3.3 2.1 3.2 2.3 2.9 2
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 95-96 13.8 ND 7.86 ND 3.88 ND NA
97-98 8.9 ND 8.1 ND 0.86 ND
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 95-96 3.39 ND 1.13 ND 12.8 ND NA
97-98 1.6 ND 1.9 ND ND ND
vinyl chloride 95-96 0.598 ND ND ND ND ND 77Ei, 0.012C
97-98 ND ND 3 ND ND ND
xylenes (total) 95-96 7.98 ND 17.2 1.12 8.07 ND 430E
97-98 7.6 0.72 13.9 1.3 2.93 ND
zinc 95-96 0.06 0.02 0.25 0.02 0.09 0.01 NA

Reference: 23, 24
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
ND -- Not Detected, for medians, in more than 50% of the samples
-- = Not Analyzed for
6.7E-07 = 6.7 × 10-7 = 0.00000067
NA -- None available
carcinogen -- Known, possible, or probable human carcinogen, but no CREG available

Comparison Value Bases

E -- ATSDR Environmental Media Exposure Guide/Minimal Risk Level -- chronic exposure
Ei -- ATSDR Environmental Media Exposure Guide/Minimal Risk Level -- intermediate-term exposure
R -- U.S. EPA Reference Concentration
C -- ATSDR Cancer Risk Evaluation Guide

Table 13.
Concentrations of suspended particulate matter in air samples collected in the Alpena area by a Lafarge contractor, March 1995-March 1996, May 1997-June 1998.

Parameter Date Concentration
Besser School (1995-6)/Immanuel Lutheran School (1997-8) Lincoln School (1995-6)/Sunrise Center (1997-8) North Point Lafarge Plant
Maximum Median Maximum Median Maximum Median Maximum Median
Total 95-96 96.4 23.1 121.0 28.2 56.2 15.8 NS NS
Under 10 microns (PM-10) 95-96 47.5 12.6 78.2 17.3 34.5 8.3 82.3 18.9
97-98 115.0 15.1 54.4 20.1 38.8 9.1 98.0 27.8

References: 23, 24

NS -- Not Sampled.

U.S. EPA's health-based national air quality standards for PM-10 are 50 µg/m3 (measured as an annual average) and 150 µg/m3 (measured as a daily average) (49). The U.S. EPA has recently proposed a new standard for particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, 15 µg/m3 (measured as an annual average) and 65 µg/m3 (measured as a daily average) (50).

Table 14.
Concentrations of metals (total) in surface water samples collected offshore from the cement kiln dust pile at the Lafarge Corporation Alpena Plant during the IRIA, January-September, 1997.

Chemical Date Concentration
No. of samples exceeding MDEQ Contact Criteria (Ref. 13) No. of samples exceeding U.S. EPA or MDEQ Drinking Water Standards (Refs. 11, 13) Comparison Value
Maximum Median

1/23/97 total 4,300 655 0 0 20,000Ei
dissolved 850 170 0 0
7/2/97 total 180,000 8,900 0 0
dissolved 1,300 ND 0 0
9/3/97 total NS NS NS NS
arsenic 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 3E, 0.023C
7/2/97 190 ND 0 2
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
barium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 700R
7/2/97 1,600 ND 0 0
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
beryllium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 4M, 0.0081C
7/2/97 10 ND 0 1
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
cadmium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 2E, carcinogen
7/2/97 28 ND 0 2
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
chromium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 30R, carcinogen (VI)
7/2/97 230 ND 0 1
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
copper 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 1,300MG
7/2/97 290 ND 0 0
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
lead 1/23/97 8 ND 0 3 15PL, carcinogen
7/2/97 1,800 53.5 0 6
9/3/97 5 ND 0 1
manganese 1/23/97 20 ND 0 0 NA
7/2/97 3,300 ND 0 2
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
mercury 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 2A
7/2/97 0.825 0.0351 0 0
9/3/97 0.00471 0.00155 0 0
nickel 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 100A, carcinogen
7/2/97 260 ND 0 1
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
selenium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 50E
7/2/97 87 ND 0 1
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
thallium 1/23/97 ND ND 0 0 0.4A
7/2/97 83 ND 0 2
9/3/97 ND ND 0 0
Other Parameters Date Maximum Median Minimum No. of samples exceeding MDEQ Contact Criteria (Ref. 14) No. of samples outside U.S. EPA Drinking Water Standards (Ref. 11) Comparison Value
pH 1/23/97 8.7 8.2 7.9 0 1 NA
7/2/97 11.2 9.2 8.7 0 8

Reference: 3
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
Note: Only Aluminum was detected in any of the filtered (dissolved metals) samples.
ND -- Not Detected - for medians, in more than ½ of the samples
NS -- Not Sampled
(VI) -- For chromium(VI)
NA -- None Available
carcinogen -- Carcinogen (proven, probable, or possible) but no CREG available

Comparison Value Bases:

E -- ATSDR Environmental Media Evaluation Guides (EMEGs)
R -- ATSDR Reference Dose Media Evaluation Guides (RMEGs), calculated from U.S. EPA Reference Dose
C -- ATSDR Cancer Risk Evaluation Guides (CREGs)
M -- U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (11)
MG -- U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (11)
A -- U.S. EPA Drinking Water Lifetime Health Advisory (11)
PL -- U.S. EPA Proposed Action Level for Lead in Drinking Water (11)

Table 15.
Concentrations of metals (total) in surface water samples collected from Squaw Bay and Misery Bay (see Figure 3) during the IRIA, October 1-2, 1997.

Chemical Concentration


No. of samples exceeding MDEQ Contact Criteria (Ref. 13) No. of samples exceeding U.S. EPA or MDEQ Drinking Water Standards (Refs. 11, 13) Comparison Value


Squaw Bay Misery Bay
Maximum Median Maximum Median
aluminum 360 140 130 ND 0 0 20,000Ei
potassium 870 860 980 940 0 0 NA
thallium 4 ND ND ND 0 1 0.4A

Reference: 3
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
Note: Only Aluminum was detected in any of the filtered (dissolved metals) samples.
ND -- Not Detected - for medians, in more than ½ of the samples
NA -- None Available
carcinogen -- Carcinogen (proven, probable, or possible) but no CREG available

Comparison Value Bases:

A -- U.S. EPA Drinking Water Lifetime Health Advisory (11)

Table 16.
Schedule of MDEQ monitoring of Alpena Municipal Water.

Analysis Schedule Latest analysis
partial chemical analysis

(nitrates, nitrites, fluoride, chloride, hardness, iron, sulfate, and sodium)

annual June 15, 1999
volatile organic chemicals annual June 15, 1999
pesticides and other synthetic organic chemicals every 3 years July 30, 1998
trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids (from 4 locations in distribution system) quarterly December 20, 1999
metals every 3 years June 15, 1999
radiological contaminants every 4 years October 26, 1998

Reference: 26, 27
The sampling dates in Table 17 do not necessarily agree with the schedule described here. Special samples might be collected at any time at a specific request. Analysis of samples collected this year might not be complete as of this writing.

Table 17. Concentrations of chemicals in water samples collected from the Alpena City water system during routine or investigative sampling by the MDPH and MDEQ, March 1995-December 1999.

Chemical Date Range of Concentrations
MCL (Ref. 11)
Plant Tap Public Distribution
chlorodibromomethane 3/22/95 1.3 NS
6/15/95 0.8 trace
8/31/95 NS ND
12/15/95 NS ND
1/12/96 2 NS
5/30/96 0.4 NS
6/13/96 NS trace
9/4/96 ND NS
3/20/97 0.6 NS
4/23/97 trace NS
6/13/97 1.5 0.6
6/16/98 NS 1.3
7/29/98 1.4 NS
2/8/99 NS trace
2/23/99 NS 0.4-0.5
5/25/99 NS 0.6
6/15/99 trace NS
8/23/99 NS 0.9-1.4
11/22/99 NS 0.6-0.9
12/20/99 0.4 0.4

3/22/95 109 NS
6/15/95 15.8 19
8/31/95 NS 44.9
12/15/95 NS 7.7
1/12/96 60.6 NS
5/30/96 43.9 NS
6/13/96 NS 40.7
9/4/96 3.5 NS
3/20/97 NS 26.4
4/23/97 13.9 NS
6/13/97 68.6 23.3
6/16/98 NS 23.1
7/29/98 15.9 NS
2/8/99 NS 14.5
2/23/99 NS 10.7-14.6
5/25/99 NS 2.2-3
6/15/99 2.1 NS
8/23/99 NS 15.1-19.1
11/22/99 NS 6.8-8.1
12/20/99 8.2 9.2
dichlorobromomethane 3/22/95 11.6 NS
6/15/95 5.4 2.6
8/31/95 NS 4
12/15/95 NS 1.8
1/12/96 9.6 NS
5/30/96 5.4 NS
6/13/96 NS 4.8
9/4/96 0.5 NS
3/20/97 NS 5
4/23/97 3 NS
6/13/97 10.4 4.3
6/16/98 NS 7.3
7/29/98 6.7 NS
2/8/99 NS 3.1
2/23/99 NS 3.2-4
5/25/99 NS 0.6-1.1
6/15/99 0.5 NS
8/23/99 NS 3.7-4.6
11/22/99 NS 2.6-3
12/20/99 2.5 2.6
Total trihalomethanes 3/22/95 122 NS 100
6/15/95 22 21.6
8/31/95 NS 48.9
12/15/95 NS 9.5
1/12/96 72.2 NS
5/30/96 49.7 NS
6/13/96 NS 45.5
9/4/96 4 NS
3/20/97 NS 32
4/23/97 16.9 NS
6/13/97 80.5 28.2
6/16/98 NS 31.7
7/29/98 24 NS
2/8/99 NS 17.6
2/23/99 NS 14.3-19.1
5/25/99 NS 3.7-4.7
6/15/99 2.6 NS
8/23/99 NS 19.7-24.6
11/22/99 NS 10-12
12/20/99 11.1 12.2
arsenic 6/15/95 1.2 NS 50
11/02/95 ND NS
5/30/96 ND NS
6/15/99 ND NS
barium 6/15/95 ND NS 2,000
11/02/95 30 NS
5/30/96 ND NS
6/15/99 ND NS
chromium 6/15/95 ND NS 100
11/02/95 ND NS
5/30/96 1 NS
6/15/99 ND NS
sodium 6/15/95 ND NS 160,000A
5/30/96 6,000 NS
7/29/98 5,000 NS
6/15/99 5,000 NS
bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 12/15/95 0.7 NS 6
dibromoacetic acid 2/23/99 NS ND 60B
5/25/99 NS trace
8/31/99 NS ND
11/22/99 NS ND
dichloroacetic acid 2/23/99 NS 3-5 60B
5/25/99 NS ND
8/31/99 NS trace
11/22/99 NS trace
trichloroacetic acid 2/23/99 NS 6-8 60B
5/25/99 NS trace
8/31/99 NS 3
11/22/99 NS 3-5
gross alpha radiation (pCi/L) 10/26/98 1 NS 15

Reference: 25
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
ND -- Not Detected
NS -- Not Sampled
trace -- Detected, but the concentration was not quantifiable

Table 18.
Concentrations of metals in sediment samples collected from Thunder Bay off the cement kiln dust pile behind the Lafarge Corporation Alpena Plant during the IRIA, September-October 1997.

Chemical Concentration
No. of samples above MDEQ Industrial/Commercial Criteria (Ref. 13) No. of samples above MDEQ Residential Criteria (Ref. 13) Comparison Value
Maximum Median
arsenic 53 4 0 15 0.6E, 0.47C
barium 170 29 0 0 140R
beryllium 2.2 0.21 0 0 10R, 0.16C
bismuth 2.1 ND 0 0 NA
chromium 34 5.3 0 0 6R, carcinogen (VI)
copper 40 5.6 0 0 NA
lead 150 11 0 0 carcinogen
manganese 480 200 0 0 NA
mercury 0.23 ND 0 0 NA
nickel 49 12 0 0 40R, carcinogen
selenium 7.9 ND 0 0 10E
silver 2.5 ND 0 0 10R
thallium 9.7 0.5 0 0 NA

Reference: 3
Shaded chemicals exceeded ATSDR Comparison Values
ND -- Not Detected - for medians, in more than ½ of the samples
(VI) -- For chromium(VI)
NA -- None Available
carcinogen -- Carcinogen (proven, probable, or possible) but no CREG available

Comparison Value Bases:

E -- ATSDR Environmental Media Evaluation Guides (EMEGs), chronic exposure
R -- ATSDR Reference Dose Media Evaluation Guides (RMEGs), calculated from U.S. EPA Reference Dose
C -- ATSDR Cancer Risk Evaluation Guides (CREGs)

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Contact CDC: 800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348 The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal